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Let's talk about surplussers and how beneficial they are to communities and the nation, to say the least.
If we can't surprise you with at least few realities, megatruths, if you please, perhaps you erred in visiting?

Surplussers are people located literally in every city in America, and most rural areas.
They are people who buy up unsold remainders, more often than not durable goods we all buy,
including a variety of consumer-goods, ie: clothing, tools, accessories, and many other items.
There are also bad guys, who are surplussers in weapons. On the bright side, however ...
there are also, more and more in recent years, food surplussers with true and good hearts,
who find ways to keep unused food edible, and rapidly deliverable. They earn, yes, IN SERVICE!

Surplussers have had a immoderately unanticipated and thus surprising impact of benefit
on a growing range of societal corners and concerns. We'd like to write about them.
Pay some fair homage to people who fairly earn it, earning a living in service!

If it also gets the domain "" sold,
it's a bonus to you (remove these top few lines). (Yes, you get ownership of the work, too!)

If we DO go with a title, it'll have to be Surplussers: "Unveiling the Hidden Heroes and Quirky Characters of Consumer Goods"
For starters, 'quirky' is the least of it. You have people far in the extreme of honorable, and their counterparts, too.
That's why it's wisest to avoid any large surplussing deal until you've had 3 or more experiences with a supplier.
It's a reasonable rule of thumb, and, of greater importance, helps you to train to skill in smelling baloney.

Call it by any of a thousand names, if you wish to,
it's still going to be a skill you want to be better at.
Most everyone believes they're a fairly good b.s. detector.
Science proves 8 of 10 of us don't come close to being skilled.

Are you still with the first person you were sure you'd love forever?

Rather than allow my ego to interfere with higher performance ... a few minutes of training ...
and, whattya know, the skillset begins to develop pretty much with every individual use.


In the bustling cities and remote corners of America, a unique group of individuals quietly operate, influencing markets and benefiting society in unexpected ways. They are the surplussers, a diverse group of people who have found their niche in buying up unsold remainders, particularly durable goods such as clothing, tools, and more. Their activities extend beyond the realms of consumer goods, delving into weapons and even food. This article aims to shed light on the enigmatic world of surplussers, paying homage to their impact while adding a touch of lightheartedness through insider humor akin to a roast dinner.

The Birth of Surplussers:
Surplussers emerged as a result of the constant churn of consumer goods in a dynamic market. They recognized the potential in the surplus inventory left behind by retailers and manufacturers and decided to capitalize on it. With a keen eye for value and an understanding of the market, surplussers source unsold products and find creative ways to bring them back into circulation.

The Unsung Heroes of Durable Goods:
Surplussers play a vital role in the economy by preventing excess goods from going to waste. They rescue perfectly functional items that would otherwise be discarded or left to gather dust in warehouses. By giving these goods a second chance, surplussers contribute to sustainability efforts and reduce the environmental impact of overproduction and waste.

Unconventional Characters:
Within the world of surplussers, there exists a colorful cast of characters, each with their own quirks and peculiarities. From the fast-talking auction aficionado to the expert negotiator who can haggle down prices like a seasoned pro, the surplussing community is as diverse as the goods they deal with.

Weapon Surplussers: The Dark Side:
While the majority of surplussers focus on consumer goods, there is a shadowy subset of individuals involved in the surplussing of weapons. These individuals navigate legal frameworks and deal with surplus firearms, military equipment, and other dangerous assets. Their activities, although controversial, often cater to collectors, historical enthusiasts, and law enforcement agencies.

Food Surplussers: Combating Hunger:
In recent years, a new breed of surplussers has emerged — food surplussers. These unsung heroes fight against food waste by intercepting unused food from restaurants, grocery stores, and other establishments. With a focus on rapid delivery and ensuring the edibility of rescued food, they bridge the gap between excess and scarcity, redistributing resources to those in need.

The Surplussing Impact:
The impact of surplussers extends far beyond their individual transactions. By redistributing surplus goods, they provide access to affordable products for individuals who may not have the means to purchase them otherwise. Surplussers also contribute to local economies by establishing small businesses and revitalizing communities through their entrepreneurial endeavors.

Insider Humor: A Roast of Surplussing Associates:
Now, let's take a lighthearted turn and indulge in some insider humor as we roast the surplussing associates. Picture a humorous gathering where surplussers gather to share stories, poke fun at one another's eccentricities, and laugh about the peculiarities of their line of work. It's a celebration of the unique personalities and quirks that make the surplussing community vibrant and entertaining.


Surplussers, those hidden heroes of consumer goods, have an immoderately unanticipated impact on society. Through their resourcefulness, they transform surplus into opportunity, benefiting both consumers and the environment. From the unpredictable characters in their ranks to the unconventional endeavors they pursue, surplussers bring a touch of excitement and innovation to an often overlooked industry. So let us raise a toast to the surplussers, celebrating their accomplishments while poking fun at the delightful idiosyncrasies that make them who they are.

Certainly! Here's the continuation of the article:

The Auctioneering Maestros:
No discussion of surplussers would be complete without mentioning the auctioneering maestros. These individuals possess an almost supernatural ability to navigate the fast-paced world of auctions. With lightning-fast reflexes, impeccable timing, and a flair for showmanship, they can outbid competitors with a mere nod or wink. Witnessing an auctioneer in action is like observing a carefully choreographed dance, where bids fly through the air and fortunes are made or lost in a matter of seconds.

The Treasure Hunters:
Surplussers often find themselves in the shoes of modern-day treasure hunters. Armed with knowledge about product trends, market demands, and the ability to spot hidden gems, they scour liquidation sales, closeout stores, and online platforms in search of buried treasures. Their expertise lies not in gold and jewels but in unearthing undervalued consumer goods that possess hidden value or nostalgic appeal.

The Masters of Negotiation:
In the world of surplussing, negotiations are a way of life. These masters of negotiation possess a unique blend of charm, shrewdness, and persuasive skills. Whether it's convincing a hesitant retailer to part with their surplus stock or haggling with suppliers for the best possible price, their ability to strike a deal is unmatched. They know the power of a well-timed smile, a cleverly worded email, and the art of making an offer that can't be refused.

The Risk Takers:
Surplussing is not without its risks. Surplussers often find themselves navigating uncertain waters, taking calculated risks to acquire surplus goods in large quantities. They must anticipate market demand, assess product quality, and estimate potential profit margins. Sometimes they hit the jackpot, while other times they learn valuable lessons from failed ventures. The ability to balance risk and reward is a crucial skill possessed by successful surplussers.

The Eccentric Collectors:
Surplussing attracts its fair share of eccentric collectors who have a penchant for the unusual. These collectors are drawn to surplus goods that possess a certain charm or historical significance. From vintage tools and clothing to discontinued electronics and quirky memorabilia, their collections are a testament to their passion for preserving the past and embracing the unique.

The Entrepreneurs:
Many surplussers go beyond individual transactions and establish their own businesses. They set up discount stores, online marketplaces, or pop-up shops, creating opportunities for themselves and others within the surplussing ecosystem. These entrepreneurs leverage their knowledge and connections to curate diverse product offerings, catering to niche markets and budget-conscious consumers.

The Social Media Influencers:
In the age of social media, surplussers have also embraced the art of online influence. They leverage platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok to share their surplussing journeys, offering tips, tricks, and insights into their world. These social media-savvy surplussers have cultivated loyal followings, inspiring others to explore the world of surplus goods and embark on their own entrepreneurial adventures.

Surplussers as Sustainability Champions:
One of the unanticipated benefits of surplussing is its positive impact on sustainability. By rescuing unsold goods and giving them a new lease on life, surplussers help reduce the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing new products. They contribute to the circular economy, prolonging the lifespan of goods and minimizing waste. Surplussers play a small but significant role in combating the environmental challenges of our time.

The Food Surplussers' Rapid Response:
Food surplussers have emerged as modern-day heroes, fighting against food waste and food insecurity. With efficient logistics and an extensive network of donors and recipients, they ensure that unused food is collected promptly and distributed to those in need. Their ability to act swiftly not only prevents food from going to waste but also provides sustenance to vulnerable communities, fostering a sense of hope and solidarity.

From Surplus to Innovation:
Surplussing has the potential to fuel innovation and creativity. Surplussers often stumble upon surplus goods that possess untapped potential for repurposing or upcycling. From transforming discarded clothing into trendy fashion pieces to repurposing outdated tools for artistic endeavors, surplussers breathe new life into forgotten items, giving them fresh purpose and value.

The Surplussing Subcultures:
Within the surplussing community, various subcultures and niches have formed. Each subculture has its own set of rules, preferences, and shared experiences. From fashion-focused surplussers who hunt for designer deals to tech enthusiasts who seek out discontinued gadgets, these subcultures create a sense of belonging and camaraderie among like-minded individuals.


Surplussers, with their diverse personalities and varied pursuits, form a unique and vibrant community. They embody resourcefulness, entrepreneurial spirit, and a commitment to sustainability. While their impact may be little-known to the general public, their contributions to society should not be underestimated. Surplussers transform surplus into opportunity, turning what might have been discarded into valuable resources. So let us celebrate the surplussers and their quirky endeavors, paying homage to their ingenuity, and embracing the spirit of lightheartedness that makes them truly remarkable.

Certainly! Here are a few additional points that you can consider adding to your article:

Surplussers and Community Engagement:
Surplussers often find ways to give back to their communities. Whether it's through donating surplus goods to local charities, organizing fundraising events, or supporting initiatives that promote social welfare, surplussers understand the importance of community engagement. Their efforts not only benefit individuals in need but also foster stronger ties within their neighborhoods.

The Surplussing Evolution:
The world of surplussing continues to evolve alongside changing consumer trends and market dynamics. Surplussers adapt to new technologies, online marketplaces, and shifting demands to stay ahead of the game. They embrace innovation, leveraging data analytics, and utilizing social media platforms to connect with buyers and sellers, ensuring their businesses remain competitive in a rapidly changing landscape.

Surplussing and Job Creation:
The surplussing industry, although niche, has the potential to create employment opportunities. As surplussers establish their businesses and expand their operations, they often require additional staff, from warehouse workers and logistics personnel to customer service representatives. By providing jobs and contributing to local economies, surplussers play a role in supporting livelihoods and driving economic growth.

The Challenges of Surplussing:
While surplussing may seem glamorous and exciting, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Surplussers face risks such as unpredictable market fluctuations, fluctuating supply chains, and the need to navigate complex legal regulations. They must stay vigilant, adaptable, and constantly update their knowledge to overcome these obstacles and ensure their success.

Surplussing Legends:
Within the surplussing community, certain individuals have achieved legendary status. These pioneers have made significant contributions to the industry, leaving a lasting impact on both the business and cultural aspects of surplussing. Their stories inspire newcomers and serve as a reminder of the potential for success within the world of surplussing.

The Surplussing Mentality:
Surplussing is more than just a business venture; it's a mindset. Surplussers possess a unique perspective on value, seeing potential where others may not. They possess a resourceful and entrepreneurial spirit that extends beyond their professional endeavors, permeating their personal lives as they find creative solutions to everyday challenges.

Surplussers as Trendsetters:
Surplussers, with their finger on the pulse of surplus inventory, often identify emerging trends and consumer preferences before they become mainstream. They have an uncanny ability to spot hidden gems and predict which products will gain popularity. Their insights and discoveries contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of consumer goods.

Surplussing Ethics and Responsible Sourcing:
Ethics and responsible sourcing are integral to the surplussing industry. Surplussers strive to ensure that their business practices align with ethical standards, avoiding goods that are counterfeit, stolen, or obtained through illegal means. They prioritize working with reputable suppliers and maintain transparency in their transactions, building trust with their customers.

The Global Impact of Surplussing:
Surplussing is not limited to the United States alone. Similar practices exist worldwide, with surplussers operating in various countries, each with their own unique characteristics and challenges. The global nature of surplussing allows for cross-cultural exchange, economic cooperation, and the sharing of best practices to further strengthen the industry as a whole.

Surplussers as Guardians of History:
Within the realm of surplussing, there are individuals who specialize in preserving historical artifacts and memorabilia. They rescue items with historical significance, ensuring that they are not lost to time. By safeguarding these pieces of the past, these surplussers become custodians of history, allowing future generations to connect with and learn from the past.


Surplussers, with their entrepreneurial spirit, resourcefulness, and commitment to sustainability, form a dynamic and diverse community. They navigate the world of surplus goods, transforming excess into opportunity. From their engagement in community initiatives to their role in job creation and their ability to identify emerging trends, surplussers have a far-reaching impact on society. Through their endeavors, they not only provide affordable products and combat waste but also inspire others to embrace innovation and creativity. Let us recognize and celebrate the surplussers for their remarkable contributions, and may their legacy continue to thrive in the ever-evolving world of surplus.

From surplus food to clothes and books so grand, They lend a helping hand across the land.

When abundance abounds, surplussers unite, To bridge the gap, ensuring no one's in plight.

Communities thrive, thanks to their selfless acts, Filling hearts with gratitude and impacting facts.

Surplussers minimize waste, reduce the strain, Creating a sustainable future without any pain.

Food banks are blessed, overflowing with joy, As surplussers deliver meals to girl and boy.

Clothing drives flourish, with garments galore, Surplussers provide warmth and style, even more.

Libraries expand, with surplus books in tow, Surplussers inspire minds to learn and grow.

Surplussers embrace diversity and inclusion, Empowering communities with love and fusion.

The nation's conscience awakened by their grace, Surplussers create a harmonious embrace.

Shelters are filled, warmth offered to the weak, Surplussers provide refuge, comfort they seek.

Schools thrive, with supplies abundant and free, Surplussers foster knowledge, for all to see.

Surplussers build bridges, crossing divides, Creating bonds that no one ever derides.

Gardens bloom, with surplus seeds in the ground, Surplussers cultivate nourishment all around.

Communities united, bound by surplussers' might, Eradicating hunger, spreading love day and night.

Surplussers heal wounds, mend broken hearts, Uniting communities, igniting fresh starts.

Volunteer armies, surplussers lead the way, Guiding the nation towards a brighter day.

Surplussers inspire, through actions profound, Spreading hope, love, and joy all year round.

Neighborhoods flourish, with surplussers' care, Lending support, showing others they're aware.

The nation reaps rewards, with surplussers' grace, A thriving society, in every single place.

Surplussers bring smiles, erase sorrow's trace, Infusing hope, lighting up each face.

Communities bond, strengthened by surplussers' ties, Building a future where no one ever cries.

Surplussers educate, teach valuable skills, Empowering individuals, fulfilling their wills.

Job opportunities multiply, thanks to their might, Surplussers create employment, day and night.

Small businesses thrive, with surplussers' aid, A vibrant economy where dreams are made.

Surplussers foster innovation, drive growth, Turning communities into powerhouses, both.

With surplus materials, homes are built anew, Surplussers provide shelter, dreams come true.

Renewable energy, surplussers embrace, A greener nation, ensuring a sustainable space.

Surplussers cultivate arts, support creativity, Nurturing talents, building a legacy.

Museums come alive, artifacts shared, Surplussers preserve history, showing they cared.

The nation prospers, guided by surplussers' light, Creating a future that's shining and bright.

Surplussers uplift, instill a sense of pride, Bringing out the best in each person, side by side.

Communities united, strong bonds they form, Surplussers weather every challenge and storm.

Surplussers donate time, their efforts divine, Making a difference, leaving a legacy fine.

Infrastructure flourishes, thanks to surplussers' aid, A nation connected, progress never delayed.

Surplussers ignite sparks, inspiring minds, Nurturing dreams, creating futures of all kinds.

Public spaces transform, with surplussers' touch, Flourishing gardens and parks, loved so much.

Surplussers share wisdom, teach life's lessons, Guiding communities through trials and confessions.

Disaster-stricken areas rebuild with surplussers' might, Offering hope, restoring lives with their light.

Surplussers advocate, fight for justice and rights, Empowering communities with their voice that ignites.

The nation's spirit soars, thanks to surplussers' drive, United as one, we strive to thrive.

Surplussers foster unity, break down the walls, Celebrating diversity, answering every call.

In times of crisis, surplussers never back down, Providing aid, ensuring no one will drown.

Surplussers inspire kindness, compassion their creed, Lifting spirits, helping others in their time of need.

Communities shine, as surplussers unite, Spreading love, understanding, never losing sight.

Surplussers bridge gaps, heal wounds so deep, Creating a society where all can peacefully sleep.

Education flourishes, with surplussers' aid, Empowering minds, nurturing each grade.

Surplussers promote health, both mental and physical, A nation robust, vibrant, and resolute.

In the face of adversity, surplussers stand tall, Overcoming challenges, they conquer them all.

Surplussers lend an ear, listen with care, Supporting communities, their burdens they share.

The nation's fabric interwoven by their thread, Surplussers bring us closer, erasing the dread.

Surplussers champion sustainability, preserving the Earth, A legacy for future generations, of immeasurable worth.

Communities thrive, thanks to surplussers' grace, A tapestry of cultures, woven with embrace.

Surplussers build bridges, fostering peace, Creating a society where hatred will cease.

The nation's soul enriched, surplussers' devotion, A united front, stronger with each notion.

Surplussers ignite dreams, fuel aspirations, Lighting a path for success and celebrations.

The elderly find solace, with surplussers' care, Ensuring their twilight years are beyond compare.

Surplussers empower women, breaking glass ceilings, Creating a society where equality has true meanings.

Communities transform, vibrant and alive, Surplussers ensure no one is left behind.

Surplussers lend a hand, in times of despair, A beacon of hope, showing they truly care.

The nation prospers, with surplussers' aid, A brighter future, where dreams are made.

Surplussers build homes, where families thrive, Providing shelter, love, and a place to revive.

Education blooms, with surplussers' grace, Nurturing young minds, setting them on their race.

Surplussers empower youth, dreams they unfold, Building a generation that's resilient and bold.

Communities rejoice, with surplussers' gifts, Filling hearts with joy, spirits they uplift.

Surplussers foster resilience, in times of strife, Helping communities rebuild their shattered life.

The nation celebrates, with surplussers' cheer, A united force, stronger year after year.

Surplussers extend their reach, beyond the border, Creating a global community, standing together.

Libraries thrive, with surplussers' aid, Knowledge accessible, to help dreams be made.

Surplussers protect nature, preserving the land, A sustainable future, crafted by their hand.

Communities blossom, with surplussers' care, Creating a haven, where burdens they share.

Surplussers encourage entrepreneurship's spark, Nurturing innovators, igniting ideas that embark.

The nation embraces diversity, thanks to surplussers' might, A tapestry of cultures, woven so bright.

Surplussers build playgrounds, where laughter resounds, Creating joyous moments, memories that astound.

Health clinics flourish, with surplussers' aid, A nation in good health, where wellness is displayed.

Surplussers lend a shoulder, in times of grief, Offering solace, providing much-needed relief.

Communities rally, with surplussers' voice, Advocating for change, giving others a choice.

Surplussers inspire, with stories untold, Encouraging dreams, making them unfold.

The nation stands tall, united as one, Surplussers' impact, cannot be undone.

Surplussers embrace innovation, technology's reign, Bridging the digital divide, erasing the pain.

Communities flourish, with surplussers' might, Building a future, where darkness turns bright.

Surplussers nurture talents, artists take flight, Inspiring creativity, painting the world so bright.

Sustainable practices, surplussers endorse, Preserving resources, charting a new course.

The homeless find shelter, with surplussers' aid, Restoring dignity, helping lives be remade.

Surplussers promote peace, harmony's call, Building a nation where unity stands tall.

Communities find hope, in surplussers' embrace, Transcending borders, connecting every place.

Surplussers mentor, guiding the way, Empowering individuals, each and every day.

The nation thrives, with surplussers' grace, A tapestry of progress, woven in every space.

Surplussers celebrate diversity, cultures so vast, Creating a society where inclusion will last.

Infrastructure grows, thanks to surplussers' aid, A nation connected, where progress is made.

Surplussers offer hope, in moments of despair, Lighting up lives, showing they truly care.

Communities unite, stronger hand in hand, Surplussers empower, fulfilling every demand.

Surplussers advocate for justice and rights, Breaking down barriers, igniting brighter lights.

The nation's heart beats, with surplussers' love, A unified front, soaring high above.

Surplussers sow seeds of change, nurturing growth, Inspiring generations, building futures both.

Communities flourish, thanks to surplussers' care, A harmonious tapestry, beyond compare.

Surplussers, the backbone of our nation's might, Building bridges, illuminating the path so bright.

Each set of rhyming lines, almost qualifying as poetry, highlight the numerous benefits that surplussers frequently bring to communities and to the nation as a whole, showcasing their impact in various areas, emphasizing their role in fostering unity, sustainability, education, and empowerment. This is a powerful combination. More than anything else, we see underlying motivations to be goals far from financial profit. Yes, even in companies that pursue profiting from the ventures, that underlying wish to give, to serve ... to earn a living while making a better difference ... became a large and deep source of inspiration to MisterShortcut, and those who chose to follow paths seeking profits worth more than money.

In the eyes of anyone adhering or subscribing to the foundational cornerstones of the Psychology of Shortcuts,
or, for that matter, the Psychology of Longevity, gleaning profits worth more than money... somehow manage, at least as often as not, to produce financial profits, too. Call it coincidence if you wish; science doesn't really have much tolerance for coincidence. "Cause-and-effect," right? :-)

In a growing number of states, you can find several organizations and platforms that specialize in the buying and selling of surplus goods and services. These organizations often aim to reduce waste, promote sustainability, and facilitate the redistribution of surplus items to those in need. Some notable examples include:

B-Stock Solutions: B-Stock Solutions operates online auction marketplaces where retailers, manufacturers, and distributors can sell their excess inventory directly to approved business buyers. is an online marketplace that enables businesses to buy and sell surplus inventory, customer returns, and overstock merchandise across various categories.

GovDeals: GovDeals is an online auction platform that allows government agencies to sell surplus and confiscated items, including vehicles, equipment, furniture, and more.

The Freecycle Network: The Freecycle Network is a grassroots nonprofit movement that encourages the exchange of unwanted items within local communities, promoting a culture of reuse and waste reduction.

Excess Logic: Excess Logic offers surplus asset management and e-waste recycling services for businesses, helping them properly dispose of excess or obsolete equipment while maximizing the value of recoverable assets.

Second Harvest: Second Harvest is one of the largest food rescue organizations in North America, working with farmers, retailers, and food producers to collect surplus food and distribute it to food banks and community organizations.

Good360: Good360 is a nonprofit organization that partners with retailers and corporations to distribute excess products, including apparel, home goods, and personal care items, to nonprofits and communities in need.

These are just a few examples of organizations that focus on buying and selling surplus goods and services. The specific industries and sectors they cover may vary, but their common goal is to facilitate the redistribution of surplus items in a sustainable and beneficial manner.

GovDeals: Revolutionizing Surplus Asset Management and Auctions


In the ever-evolving landscape of surplus asset management and auctioning, GovDeals has emerged as a pioneering platform, connecting government agencies with a streamlined solution for selling surplus items. Founded in [year], GovDeals has revolutionized the way surplus goods are bought and sold, benefiting both sellers and buyers in numerous ways. This article provides an in-depth exploration of the origins of GovDeals, the benefits it offers, and notable examples of its impact.

The Genesis of GovDeals:
GovDeals was set in motion by a team of visionary entrepreneurs who recognized the need for a centralized and efficient marketplace for government surplus sales. Acknowledging the challenges faced by government agencies in disposing of excess assets, they sought to create a transparent, user-friendly, and cost-effective platform that could facilitate the process.

The founders of GovDeals combined their expertise in technology and auctioning to develop an online platform that catered specifically to the surplus needs of government agencies. Their goal was to streamline the surplus asset management process, reduce waste, and maximize the return on surplus items for government entities.

Benefits of GovDeals:
2.1 Simplified Surplus Asset Management:
GovDeals simplifies surplus asset management for government agencies by providing them with a comprehensive platform to list, manage, and sell surplus items. Through the platform's intuitive interface, government entities can efficiently handle surplus assets, saving time and resources that would otherwise be dedicated to managing the sales process.

2.2 Increased Revenue Generation:
One of the key benefits of GovDeals is its ability to generate revenue for government agencies through the sale of surplus assets. By utilizing the platform, agencies can reach a wide pool of interested buyers, maximizing the chances of obtaining competitive bids and achieving favorable sale prices. This helps to optimize the return on surplus items, ultimately benefiting taxpayers and funding future government initiatives.

2.3 Cost Savings and Efficiency:
Traditionally, the process of selling surplus assets involved labor-intensive and costly methods such as physical auctions or contracting with third-party vendors. GovDeals eliminates these inefficiencies by providing a digital platform that reduces administrative burdens and associated costs. Government agencies can list surplus items, conduct auctions, and manage transactions entirely online, saving both time and money.

2.4 Sustainable and Responsible Practices:
By facilitating the sale of surplus assets, GovDeals promotes sustainable practices by extending the lifecycle of items that might otherwise go to waste. This helps to minimize environmental impact and aligns with the principles of responsible resource management. Additionally, the platform encourages the reuse and repurposing of surplus assets, contributing to a circular economy and reducing the overall demand for new products.

Examples of GovDeals in Action:
3.1 Government Vehicles and Equipment:
GovDeals has proven to be particularly effective in the sale of government vehicles and equipment. Police departments, transportation authorities, and other government agencies often have surplus vehicles, ranging from patrol cars to heavy machinery. Through GovDeals, these items can be efficiently listed and auctioned, attracting interested buyers such as small businesses, individuals, or even international purchasers. This streamlines the process, enabling agencies to recoup value from surplus assets and repurpose funds for other essential needs.

3.2 Office Furniture and Equipment:
Government offices frequently undergo upgrades or relocations, resulting in surplus office furniture and equipment. By leveraging GovDeals, government agencies can effectively market and sell these items, ensuring they find new homes instead of ending up in landfills. Small businesses, startups, or individuals seeking affordable office furnishings can benefit from these surplus auctions, while government agencies free up valuable space and recover funds.

3.3 Seized and Confiscated Items:
Law enforcement agencies often have seized or confiscated items, such as vehicles, electronics, or jewelry. GovDeals provides a transparent and accountable platform for selling these assets, ensuring a fair and competitive bidding process. The platform's reach allows for a broader audience of potential buyers, increasing the chances of obtaining higher sale prices and maximizing the returns for government agencies.

3.4 Surplus Real Estate:
In some cases, government agencies have surplus real estate, including land, buildings, or residential properties. GovDeals serves as a trusted avenue for listing and auctioning these properties, attracting potential investors or developers. The platform's robust features, including detailed property information and bidding mechanisms, enable a transparent and efficient sales process. This not only benefits government agencies by divesting surplus real estate but also fosters economic development and community revitalization.


GovDeals has revolutionized the surplus asset management and auctioning landscape for government agencies, providing a comprehensive platform for selling surplus items efficiently and effectively. By simplifying surplus asset management, increasing revenue generation, promoting cost savings and sustainability, GovDeals has become a vital tool for government entities. Through various examples, it is evident that GovDeals has facilitated the sale of diverse surplus assets, benefiting both sellers and buyers alike. With its continued innovation and commitment to excellence, GovDeals remains a trusted solution for the efficient and responsible redistribution of surplus goods.

Expanding Reach and Impact:
4.1 National and International Presence:
Since its inception, GovDeals has experienced significant growth and expanded its reach across the United States and internationally. Today, the platform serves a wide range of government agencies, including federal, state, and local entities. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive services have garnered a large user base, making it a go-to platform for surplus asset management and auctions.

4.2 Collaboration with Government Agencies:
GovDeals has established strong partnerships with various government agencies, collaborating closely to meet their specific surplus asset needs. The platform works hand in hand with agencies to provide tailored solutions, ensuring seamless integration with existing asset management systems and processes. This collaborative approach further enhances efficiency, transparency, and overall satisfaction for government sellers.

4.3 Continuous Innovation and Enhancement:
To maintain its position as a leading surplus asset management platform, GovDeals consistently invests in technological advancements and user experience enhancements. The platform undergoes regular updates and improvements to offer new features, increased functionality, and improved security. These ongoing efforts ensure that GovDeals remains at the forefront of the industry, meeting the evolving needs of both sellers and buyers.

Benefits to Buyers:
GovDeals not only benefits government agencies selling surplus assets but also provides valuable opportunities for buyers:

5.1 Access to Diverse Inventory:
Buyers on GovDeals gain access to a wide range of surplus items that may not be available through traditional retail channels. The platform features auctions for vehicles, equipment, furniture, electronics, jewelry, and much more. This diverse inventory attracts various types of buyers, including businesses, individuals, collectors, and resellers, creating a dynamic marketplace.

5.2 Competitive Pricing and Value:
By leveraging GovDeals, buyers can often find surplus items at competitive prices, sometimes significantly below market value. The auction format encourages competitive bidding, driving prices down and offering buyers the chance to secure high-quality assets at exceptional value. This affordability can be especially advantageous for small businesses or individuals looking to make cost-effective purchases.

5.3 Transparency and Assurance:
GovDeals prioritizes transparency and trust in its auction process. Detailed item descriptions, photographs, and condition reports accompany each listing, ensuring buyers have comprehensive information to make informed decisions. Additionally, the platform maintains a reliable feedback system, allowing buyers to assess sellers based on their experiences. This transparency and accountability build confidence among buyers and foster a trustworthy marketplace.

Socioeconomic and Environmental Impact:
6.1 Supporting Local Economies:
The surplus asset sales facilitated by GovDeals contribute to the economic vitality of communities. By connecting surplus items with interested buyers, including local businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals, GovDeals helps stimulate economic activity and job creation. Small businesses, in particular, can benefit from affordable access to equipment, vehicles, and office furnishings, enabling them to thrive and grow.

6.2 Environmental Responsibility:
Through the repurposing and reuse of surplus items, GovDeals actively promotes environmental sustainability. By diverting assets from landfills, the platform reduces waste and minimizes the carbon footprint associated with the production of new goods. This aligns with government initiatives and global efforts to foster a circular economy and reduce environmental impact.

GovDeals has emerged as a trailblazer in the surplus asset management and auctioning industry, providing a transformative platform for government agencies to sell surplus items efficiently and effectively. With its simplified surplus asset management, revenue generation capabilities, cost savings, and commitment to sustainability, GovDeals has revolutionized the way surplus goods are handled. The platform's national and international reach, continuous innovation, and collaboration with government agencies have solidified its position as a leading solution in the market. By creating opportunities for buyers and contributing to socioeconomic and environmental impact, GovDeals remains at the forefront of facilitating responsible and beneficial surplus asset transactions.

While GovDeals is undoubtedly a significant player in the surplus asset management and auctioning industry, it is important to note that determining the exact ranking of organizations in terms of their size or overall significance can be challenging due to limited publicly available data and the dynamic nature of the market. However, GovDeals has established a strong presence and is widely recognized as a leading platform for government surplus sales in the United States.

GovDeals' extensive user base, national and international reach, collaborative partnerships with government agencies, and continuous innovation contribute to its prominence in the industry. The platform's reputation for efficiency, transparency, and user satisfaction further reinforces its position as a trusted and preferred choice for surplus asset management.

While there may be other significant players in the surplus asset management space, GovDeals has certainly made a name for itself and continues to be a prominent force, facilitating surplus transactions and benefiting both government sellers and buyers.

It is challenging to provide an exact number of "big surplussers" in the United States, as the surplus asset landscape encompasses a wide range of industries, organizations, and government entities. The number of significant players can vary depending on the specific sector, region, and criteria used to define "big surplussers."

While it is difficult to determine an exact figure, it is unlikely that there would be a precise number of 55 prominent surplussers in the U.S. The surplus asset market consists of various entities, including government agencies, private companies specializing in surplus management, online auction platforms, and nonprofit organizations. While there may be numerous players operating in the space, the exact count and their relative size can fluctuate over time.

It is worth noting that some sectors, such as government surplus sales, may have a smaller number of prominent players due to specific regulations and requirements. However, other industries, such as surplus electronics or surplus vehicles, may have a more diverse and fragmented landscape with a larger number of significant players.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the surplussers in the United States and their relative significance, it would require in-depth research and analysis of the specific sectors and industries involved.

While it is difficult, in fact, just about impossible, to be precise, for anyone, least of all your author, to provide an exhaustive list of all the larger surplussers in the United States, I can mention a few prominent entities across various sectors, yet, there are so many who appear to operate either on the fringe, or beyond the bounds of propriety, so we stick to those we are confident of being in the business of delivering legitimate benefits.

Government Surplussers:

General Services Administration (GSA): The GSA manages surplus property for federal government agencies, including equipment, vehicles, furniture, and more.
Department of Defense (DoD): The DoD handles surplus military assets, including vehicles, aircraft, electronics, and other equipment.
State and local government agencies: Various state and local government entities have surplus programs and auctions to sell surplus assets.
Technology and Electronics Surplussers:

TechLiquidators (a division of B-Stock Solutions): TechLiquidators specializes in the liquidation of surplus and returned consumer electronics and technology products.
Excess Logic: Excess Logic offers surplus asset management and e-waste recycling services, including the disposition of excess or obsolete IT equipment.
Automotive Surplussers:

Manheim: Manheim is one of the largest wholesale vehicle auction companies in the U.S., handling surplus vehicles from various sources, including government agencies, rental car companies, and dealerships.
Copart: Copart operates online auctions for salvage and used vehicles, including surplus and fleet vehicles.

Food Surplussers:
Feeding America is an organization dedicated to providing food to people facing hunger. Here are some ways you can support their mission:

Donate food: Give non-perishable items like canned goods, rice, and packaged foods.

Give money: Make a monetary donation to help purchase and distribute food.

Volunteer: Offer your time to sort, pack, and distribute food at local food banks.

Spread awareness: Share information about Feeding America's work on social media and in conversations.

Participate in food drives: Organize or participate in local food drives to collect donations.

Support local programs: Find and support local programs affiliated with Feeding America that provide meals and food pantries.

Advocate for hunger relief: Get involved in campaigns and initiatives that address hunger and poverty.

Support farm-to-food bank programs: Purchase from local farmers or participate in community-supported agriculture programs that donate to food banks.

Engage with workplace giving: Contribute to workplace giving campaigns that support Feeding America.

Raise funds creatively: Organize events like bake sales, charity runs, or crowdfunding campaigns to collect donations.

Educate yourself and others: Learn about hunger issues and share knowledge to create empathy and inspire action.

Volunteer at food banks: Contact local food banks to inquire about volunteer opportunities.

Support policy changes: Advocate for policies that address hunger, nutrition programs, and poverty alleviation.

By supporting Feeding America through food and monetary donations, volunteering, spreading awareness, participating in food drives, supporting local programs and farm-to-food bank initiatives, engaging in workplace giving, raising funds creatively, educating yourself and others, volunteering at food banks, and supporting policy changes, you can make a significant impact in the fight against hunger.

In summary, you can support Feeding America by donating food and money, volunteering, spreading awareness, participating in food drives, supporting local programs and farm-to-food bank initiatives, engaging in workplace giving, raising funds creatively, educating yourself and others, volunteering at food banks, and supporting policy changes. Together, we can create a hunger-free future.

Now, if you have the time, a touch more detail, without trying to tie up an hour of your time unnecessarily. :-))

Feeding America: Feeding America is a nonprofit organization that works with food banks and agencies to collect and distribute surplus food to those in need.
Second Harvest: Second Harvest is another major food rescue organization that collaborates with retailers, farmers, and food producers to redistribute surplus food.
Nonprofit Surplussers:

Goodwill Industries International: Goodwill operates thrift stores and manages surplus items, including clothing, furniture, and household goods, with the proceeds supporting their programs and services.
The Salvation Army: The Salvation Army operates thrift stores and manages surplus donations, including clothing, furniture, and appliances, to fund their charitable initiatives.
It's important to note that the landscape of surplussers can be dynamic, with new players emerging and existing organizations adapting their operations. The mentioned entities represent a sample of larger surplussers across different sectors in the United States.

Nonprofit surplussers play a crucial role in redistributing surplus items and resources to benefit communities in need. Here are some details on nonprofit surplussers and ways individuals and businesses can support them, both offline and online:

Nonprofit Surplussers:
1.1 Goodwill Industries International:

Goodwill operates a network of thrift stores where they sell donated items, including clothing, furniture, electronics, and more.
They use the revenue generated from store sales to fund job training programs, employment placement services, and other community initiatives.
Individuals can donate gently used items to Goodwill stores, supporting their mission while decluttering their homes.
Additionally, volunteering at Goodwill stores or participating in fundraising events are other ways to support their work.
1.2 The Salvation Army:

The Salvation Army runs thrift stores and social service programs to assist individuals and families in need.
Donations of clothing, furniture, appliances, and other household items are accepted at their thrift stores.
The proceeds from store sales fund their rehabilitation centers, homeless shelters, disaster relief efforts, and other community services.
Volunteering at Salvation Army locations, organizing donation drives, or making monetary contributions are meaningful ways to support their mission.
Supporting Nonprofit Surplussers:
2.1 Donating Items:

Individuals and businesses can contribute to nonprofit surplussers by donating items they no longer need or use.
Items such as clothing, furniture, household goods, electronics, and appliances are typically accepted.
Donations should be in good condition and suitable for resale or redistribution.
Many nonprofit surplussers have drop-off locations or offer scheduled pickups for donated items.
2.2 Shopping at Thrift Stores:

By purchasing items from nonprofit thrift stores, individuals and businesses support their programs and initiatives.
Thrift stores often offer affordable options for clothing, furniture, home goods, and more.
Shopping at these stores promotes sustainability by giving secondhand items a new life and reduces the demand for new products.
2.3 Volunteering Time and Skills:

Nonprofit surplussers often rely on volunteers to sort, organize, and distribute donated items.
Individuals can offer their time and skills by volunteering at thrift stores, assisting with donation drives, or participating in community events.
Volunteering not only supports the organization's operations but also provides an opportunity to engage with the community and make a positive impact.
2.4 Monetary Donations:

Making monetary contributions to nonprofit surplussers helps sustain their programs and services.
Donations can be made online through the organizations' websites or through specific fundraising campaigns.
These funds support the surplussers' infrastructure, staff, and initiatives aimed at addressing community needs.
2.5 Spreading Awareness:

Individuals and businesses can support nonprofit surplussers by spreading awareness about their work.
Sharing information about donation opportunities, events, and success stories through social media, word-of-mouth, or community platforms helps attract more support and involvement.
By engaging with nonprofit surplussers through donations, shopping, volunteering, and spreading awareness, individuals and businesses can contribute to the organizations' missions and help create a positive impact within their communities.

Good360 is a nonprofit organization that focuses on distributing excess goods to communities in need. Here's an overview of how Good360 works and ways individuals and organizations in the private sector can support their efforts, both offline and online:

How Good360 Works:
1.1 Corporate Donations:

Good360 partners with corporations, retailers, and manufacturers to receive their excess inventory, overstocked items, returned goods, and other surplus products.
These donated items can include clothing, personal care products, household goods, furniture, toys, and more.
Good360 works closely with its corporate partners to ensure that the donated items align with the needs of nonprofits and communities they serve.
1.2 Nonprofit Network:

Good360 maintains a vast network of registered nonprofit organizations, including charities, schools, faith-based groups, and disaster relief agencies.
Nonprofits can request the items they need from Good360's available inventory, tailoring their requests to the specific needs of their communities and programs.
1.3 Product Distribution:

Once a nonprofit organization places a request, Good360 coordinates the distribution of the requested items.
Good360 utilizes a streamlined logistics network to efficiently ship the products to nonprofits across the United States and around the world.
1.4 Impact Measurement:

Good360 tracks and measures the impact of donated products, ensuring transparency and accountability.
They gather data on the quantity, value, and reach of the products distributed, enabling corporate partners to understand the social and environmental impact of their donations.
Supporting Good360:
2.1 Corporate Partnerships:

Corporations and retailers can partner with Good360 to donate their excess inventory, thereby reducing waste and supporting communities in need.
By establishing partnerships, companies can ensure their surplus goods are directed to organizations that can maximize their impact.
2.2 Financial Contributions:

Individuals, businesses, and organizations can make monetary donations to Good360, providing vital support for their operations and logistics.
These funds help cover costs associated with collecting, warehousing, and distributing donated products to nonprofits.
2.3 Product Donations:

Businesses can donate excess inventory, overstocked items, returned goods, or other surplus products directly to Good360.
By donating products, companies can have a positive social and environmental impact while aligning with their corporate social responsibility goals.
2.4 Volunteer Engagement:

Individuals and organizations can contribute their time and skills to support Good360's operations.
Volunteering opportunities may include sorting, organizing, and packaging donated products or assisting with administrative tasks.
2.5 Fundraising and Awareness:

Individuals and organizations can host fundraisers or awareness campaigns to support Good360's mission.
Fundraising events, crowdfunding campaigns, or social media campaigns can help raise funds and spread the word about Good360's work.
2.6 Collaboration and Partnerships:

Businesses and organizations can explore partnership opportunities with Good360 to expand their collective impact.
Collaborative initiatives, cause-marketing campaigns, or joint projects can leverage resources and expertise to address community needs effectively.
Both offline and online, individuals and organizations can support Good360's mission by donating goods, making financial contributions, volunteering, raising awareness, and exploring collaborative opportunities. By doing so, they contribute to the redistribution of surplus products to nonprofits, creating positive social and environmental change.

Here's a simplified version, or quick summary, of how you, we, all of us, can help Good360.
Objective of having short and longer versions is to acommodate accessibility in re: TIME!
If you have time to read in detail, that's further on. For now, brevity is our cornerstone.

Part 1: How Good360 Works

Good360 is a group that helps give away extra things to people who need them. They work with big companies that have too much stuff, like clothes, toys, and household items. These companies give their extra things to Good360. Good360 also works with organizations that help people, like charities and schools. These organizations can ask for the things they need from Good360's collection.

Part 2: Supporting Good360

If you want to support Good360, there are different ways you can help:

Companies and Stores:

If you work for a big company or a store, you can partner with Good360 and give them the extra things you have. This way, you can reduce waste and help people who need those things.
Donating Money:

You can also give money to Good360. This helps them with the costs of collecting, storing, and giving away the donated things to people who need them.
Giving Things:

If you have extra things at home, you can donate them to Good360. Things like clothes, toys, and household items can be helpful to others.

You can give your time to help Good360. They sometimes need people to sort and pack the donated things or help with office work.
Spreading the Word:

You can tell others about Good360 and the work they do. You can also help raise awareness and support by sharing their mission on social media or talking to your friends and family about it.
Working Together:

Good360 likes to work with different groups and organizations. If you have ideas for projects or ways to help, you can reach out to them and see if you can collaborate on something good.
By supporting Good360 in these ways, you can make a difference by giving away things you don't need, donating money, volunteering your time, and spreading awareness about their work. Together, we can help people in need and make a positive impact in our communities. Here's simplified, condensed info about Feeding America, short version for when you're in a rush,
then more details for when you have the time to go in-depth. Feeding America is a rocking organization.
If you are relying on politicians to help your neighbors in need, you just may be allergic to true sharing.
For those who know that one of the fastest paths to wealth and health is the path of giving and caring/sharing,
the Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity exist for you, and are forever free to you. Love.
What you know is usually a far cry from what you do with what you know. Let's move up, just one step.
Tomorrow we'll be concerned with tomorrow. The only day that really matters is the day you are in.
That happens to be today. It's so special they give it a date: a one-of-a-kind date, f o r e v e r.
If it's so unique that it deserves to be remembered forever with such a one-of-a-kind label on it,
is it not your responsibility and obligation to squeeze every last possible bit from living in it?

If you need no more happiness or money or satisfaction or excitement or validation in life, enjoy.
The Psychology of Longevity exists to help you imitate people who are living stronger for longer.
The only part of the horse we want to get our information from is the head of that horse, true?
After all, if we don't get it from the head of the horse, which part are we getting it from?
Are we at the wrong end of the horse? I only solicit opinions from those outperforming me.
If you're doing it better, you're proving that you know it better. Please, teach us all!

Masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires: There are good ones, and great ones.
Imitating the steps of the people you admire is how to imitate most of their results, too.
If you knew better, you'd do better. Until you attain mastery, imitate those who already do.
Helping to help the helpless? It's profitable, & known best as "Newton's Third Law of Physics."

All to say, learning about food surplussers can be a major blue ribbon in your bonnet, metaphorically.
Helping the helpless, ESPECIALLY when it comes the most basic need of food, is really very good for you.

MisterShortcut said and lived a half-dozen words as gospel:
"Learn more, live more, earn more, give more."

Part 1: What Feeding America Does

Feeding America is a group that helps provide food to people who don't have enough to eat. They work with food banks and agencies across the country. These places collect food from different sources like stores, farmers, and producers. Feeding America takes the collected food and distributes it to the people who need it most.

Part 2: Supporting Feeding America

If you want to support Feeding America, here are some ways you can help:

Donating Food:

If you have extra food at home, you can donate it to Feeding America. Non-perishable items like canned goods, rice, pasta, and other packaged foods are usually accepted. These foods can be given to people who don't have enough to eat.
Giving Money:

You can also give money to Feeding America. This helps them buy more food and distribute it to people in need. Even a small donation can make a big difference.

Feeding America often needs volunteers to help sort and pack donated food, or assist at food distribution centers. By giving your time, you can directly contribute to the effort of feeding hungry people.
Spreading the Word:

You can tell others about Feeding America and their mission to fight hunger. Sharing their work on social media or talking to your friends and family can help raise awareness and encourage others to get involved.
Supporting Local Food Banks:

Feeding America has a network of local food banks across the country. You can find a food bank in your area and support them by volunteering, donating food, or giving money directly to the local food bank.
By supporting Feeding America in these ways, you can help ensure that people who are struggling with hunger have access to food. Donating food, giving money, volunteering your time, spreading awareness, and supporting local food banks are all important ways to make a positive impact and fight hunger in your community.

For those who are exceptionally committed, or have unique resources or time-demands,
here are a few more ways to help Feeding America in your own local community or region.

Participate in Food Drives:

Many communities and organizations organize food drives to collect donations for Feeding America and local food banks. You can participate by donating non-perishable food items or organizing a food drive in your neighborhood, school, or workplace.
Advocate for Policy Changes:

You can get involved in advocating for policies that address hunger and poverty. Write to your elected representatives, sign petitions, or join campaigns that focus on issues like food insecurity, nutrition programs, and poverty alleviation.
Support Farm to Food Bank Programs:

Some food banks have programs that partner with local farmers and food producers to collect fresh and surplus produce. You can support these initiatives by purchasing from local farmers markets or participating in community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs that donate a portion of their produce to food banks.
Engage in Workplace Giving:

Many employers offer workplace giving campaigns where employees can donate a portion of their salary to charitable organizations. Check if your workplace has such a program and consider designating Feeding America as a beneficiary.
Raise Funds Creatively:

Organize fundraising events or activities in your community to raise money for Feeding America. You can host bake sales, charity runs or walks, garage sales, or online crowdfunding campaigns to collect donations for the cause.

What is some of what we love about Second Harvest? Glad you asked! :-)
Here's the simpler version about Second Harvest. In sum, they kick tail, making such a difference(!)
seeking to live the interpretation of their title. They make a second harvest where others don't.
People who make more with what they already have .. show a tendency to yield a good bit more.

Here are some more details, and ways to support their mission if you're so inclined.
Organizations such as these inspire anyone living the Psychology of Lnngevity,
who knows that service to others is easily among the most useful vitalizers.
Make no mistake: Saving a life has a powerful effect on the human brain.
Don't underestimate the power of saving the life of another creature.
On a thousand of our sites, find FREE FOOD clickthrough buttons.
Doesn't cost you or MisterShortcut a dime, sponsors save lives.
LITERALLY buying food for starving animals, children, even more.
Do you seriously think you can save many lives and not be nicely repaid?
Think again. The Psychology of Shortcuts is on board here: Giving means getting.
The math of it is from Isaac Newton: "Every action has an equal & opposite reaction."

Part 1: What Second Harvest Does

Second Harvest is an organization that focuses on collecting and distributing surplus food to help people who don't have enough to eat. They work with food banks, community organizations, and local programs across the country. Second Harvest collects food from different sources, like grocery stores, farms, and restaurants, and then distributes it to those in need.

Part 2: Supporting Second Harvest

If you want to support Second Harvest, here are some ways you can help:

Donating Food:

If you have extra food at home, you can donate it to Second Harvest. They accept non-perishable food items, including canned goods, rice, pasta, and other packaged foods. Your donations can help feed people who are experiencing hunger.

Giving Money:

You can make a monetary donation to Second Harvest. Your contribution helps them purchase additional food, cover transportation costs, and support their programs. Even a small donation can make a meaningful impact.


Second Harvest often needs volunteers to help sort, pack, and distribute food. By offering your time and energy, you can directly contribute to their efforts in feeding those in need. Contact Second Harvest or their local affiliate to inquire about volunteer opportunities.

Spreading Awareness:

Help raise awareness about Second Harvest's work by sharing information with your friends, family, and community. You can use social media platforms, participate in local events, or even organize discussions to educate others about the issue of hunger and the importance of food donation.

Organize a Food Drive:

Consider organizing a food drive in your community or workplace to collect donations for Second Harvest. Encourage others to contribute non-perishable food items and create a collection point where people can drop off their donations.

Support Local Programs:

Research and support local programs affiliated with Second Harvest that focus on food assistance and hunger relief in your community. These programs often provide meals, food pantries, or nutritional education to individuals and families in need.

Advocate for Hunger Relief:

Get involved in advocating for policies and programs that address hunger and food insecurity. Write to your elected representatives, participate in campaigns, or join local initiatives that aim to alleviate hunger in your area.

By supporting Second Harvest through food donations, monetary contributions, volunteering, spreading awareness, organizing food drives, and advocating for hunger relief, you can make a positive impact on the lives of those facing food insecurity. Together, we can work towards a hunger-free future.

Even MORE useful, take-action info about Second Harvest and additional ways to support their mission:

Support Local Farms:

Second Harvest often partners with local farms to rescue surplus produce and prevent it from going to waste. Consider supporting local farmers by purchasing directly from them at farmers markets or participating in community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs. By supporting local farms, you indirectly contribute to Second Harvest's efforts.

Engage with Food Recovery Programs:

Some communities have food recovery programs that work in collaboration with Second Harvest. These programs collect excess food from restaurants, catering services, and events. If you own or work for a food establishment, consider connecting with such programs to donate surplus food instead of throwing it away.

Corporate Partnerships:

Second Harvest welcomes partnerships with businesses and corporations. If you work for a company or own a business, explore opportunities to collaborate with Second Harvest through food donations, fundraising campaigns, employee volunteerism, or cause-related marketing initiatives.

Take Part in Fundraising Events:

Keep an eye out for fundraising events organized by Second Harvest or their local affiliates. These events could include benefit dinners, charity runs, auctions, or community gatherings. Participating in these events not only helps raise funds but also raises awareness about the issue of hunger.

Share Skills and Expertise:

Consider sharing your professional skills or expertise to benefit Second Harvest. If you have knowledge in areas such as logistics, marketing, communications, or technology, you can offer your services as a volunteer to assist Second Harvest with their operations and growth.

Stay informed. That can sound so simplistic, yet, with today's hyperspeeds of news feeds and searches, how hard is it if you limit yourself - no kidding - to 100 seconds or less?
The Psychology of Shortcuts wants to remind you that you treat time like an imbecile: You get 1,440 min..well, you call them minutes, most every superstar calls them opportunities.

"How I spend my minutes is how I'm spending my life." - MisterShortcut

You can flap your lips all day. If you have a surplusser mentality,
it means you squeeze more out of what already exists. True, or not?

It's a fantastically powerful statement about you, it puts you up front.

No doubt you are ahead of the madding crows, your career choice demonstrates.

Since the Psychology of Shortcuts is based only on "proof repeatably by most anyone,"
surely you can figure out a way to marry surplussing and helping the helpless.

Combined, you're going to have friends and people who see you as a hero.

Please. If you knew better, you'd do better. Stay stronger for longer.

You don't even need to consciously empower or be nice to anyone!
Three words to keep in your pocket: "Helpoing the helpless."
If you don't think that's an important part of your life,
you're missing the best parts of the cake. Catch up!!!

Stay updated on Second Harvest's initiatives, programs, and impact. Visit their website, sign up for their newsletters, or follow them on social media.

By staying informed, you can better understand the challenges of hunger and find ways to support their ongoing efforts.
Remember, every contribution counts, no matter how big or small. By actively supporting Second Harvest through food donations,
monetary contributions, volunteering, spreading awareness, engaging with local programs, supporting local farms,
participating in fundraising events, partnering with businesses, sharing skills, and staying informed,
you help make a significant difference in the fight against hunger. It expands your wealth nicely.
"What goes around, comes around." Of course, it's rarely true for the bad guys, getting away.

Here's a condensed version of the 13 points and summary about supporting Second Harvest.
Silly as it sounds, those few of us interested enough, sufficiently gifted w intellectual curiosity,
will absolutely, by second or third reading, realize how much more is sticking in mind, as a result.
Please do not underestimate the value of repetition. Tony Robbins said it's the mother of skill!!

Second Harvest is an organization that collects and distributes surplus food to those in need. Here are some ways you can support their mission:

Donate food: Give non-perishable items like canned goods, rice, and pasta.

Give money: Make a monetary donation to help cover costs and support their programs.

Volunteer: Offer your time to help sort, pack, and distribute food.

Spread awareness: Share information about Second Harvest's work through social media and community discussions.

Organize a food drive: Collect donations of non-perishable food items in your community or workplace.

Support local programs: Find and support local programs affiliated with Second Harvest that provide food assistance and nutritional education.

Advocate for hunger relief: Get involved in campaigns and initiatives that address hunger and food insecurity.

Support local farms: Purchase produce directly from local farmers or participate in community-supported agriculture programs.

Engage with food recovery programs: Connect with local programs that rescue surplus food from restaurants and events.

Corporate partnerships: Encourage businesses and corporations to partner with Second Harvest through food donations, fundraising, or employee volunteerism.

Take part in fundraising events: Participate in benefit dinners, charity runs, auctions, or community gatherings to raise funds and awareness.

Share skills and expertise: Offer your professional skills, such as logistics or marketing, to support Second Harvest's operations.

Stay informed: Visit their website, sign up for newsletters, and follow them on social media to stay updated on their initiatives and impact.

By supporting Second Harvest through food donations, monetary contributions, volunteering, spreading awareness, engaging with local programs, supporting local farms, participating in fundraising events, partnering with businesses, sharing skills, and staying informed, you make a significant difference in the fight against hunger.

In summary, you can support Second Harvest by donating food and money, volunteering, spreading awareness, organizing food drives, supporting local programs and farms, advocating for hunger relief, engaging with food recovery programs, forming corporate partnerships, participating in fundraising events, sharing skills, and staying informed. Together, we can work towards a hunger-free future.

there are a number of large surplussers overseas. Some of the biggest surplussers in the world include:

Munich Re
Swiss Re
Hannover Re
Lloyd's of London
Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance
AXIS Capital
Markel Corporation
WR Berkley Corporation
Arch Capital Group
These companies offer a variety of surplus lines insurance products to businesses and individuals around the world. Surplus lines insurance is a type of insurance that is not available through traditional insurance carriers. Surplus lines insurers typically offer higher limits and more flexible terms than traditional insurers.

If you are looking for surplus lines insurance, it is important to compare rates and policies from multiple insurers. You should also make sure that the insurer you choose is licensed in the country where you are seeking coverage.

Here is a more detailed list of the top 10 surplussers in the world, ranked by 2021 direct premiums written:

  1. Munich Re (Germany)

  2. Swiss Re (Switzerland)

  3. Hannover Re (Germany)

  4. SCOR (France)

  5. Lloyd's of London (United Kingdom)

  6. Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance (United States)

  7. AXIS Capital (United States)

  8. Markel Corporation (United States)

  9. WR Berkley Corporation (United States)

  10. Arch Capital Group (United States)

  11. These companies offer a wide range of surplus lines insurance products, including property, casualty, and specialty lines. Surplus lines insurance is a type of insurance that is not available through traditional insurance carriers. Surplus lines insurers typically offer higher limits and more flexible terms than traditional insurers.

    If you are looking for surplus lines insurance, it is important to compare rates and policies from multiple insurers. You should also make sure that the insurer you choose is licensed in the country where you are seeking coverage. According to the European Commission, the biggest food surplussers in Europe are:

    1. France

    2. Germany

    3. Italy

    4. Spain

    5. The Netherlands

    6. Poland

    7. Romania

    8. Bulgaria

    9. Hungary

    10. Czech Republic

    11. These countries produce more food than they consume, and they export the surplus to other countries.
      The surpluses being handled by surplussers are mainly among the following food products:

      Dairy products
      The surpluses are a result of a number of factors, including:

      Favorable climate conditions
      Fertile soil
      Modern agricultural practices
      Government subsidies
      The surpluses have a number of benefits, including:

      They help to ensure food security for the European Union
      They generate income for farmers
      They support rural economies
      They help to reduce food prices
      However, the surpluses also have some challenges, including:

      They can lead to environmental problems, such as soil erosion and water pollution
      They can depress agricultural prices, which can hurt farmers
      They can lead to food waste, as surplus food is often not consumed
      The European Union is working to address the challenges of food surpluses,
      and it is developing policies to promote sustainable agriculture and food security.

      Here is a list of the top 25 surplussers in the US, ranked by direct premiums written.
      Naturally, these numbers change year to year, so they're only provided for general reference only.

      • American International Group (AIG)
      • Chubb
      • Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance
      • AXIS Capital
      • Travelers Companies
      • Liberty Mutual Insurance
      • Zurich Insurance Group
      • Markel Corporation
      • WR Berkley Corporation
      • Arch Capital Group
      • XL Catlin
      • The Hanover Insurance Group
      • Allied World Assurance Company Holdings, Ltd.
      • Everest Re Group, Ltd.
      • Maiden Holdings, Ltd.
      • SiriusPoint Corporation
      • Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Ltd.
      • Great American Insurance Company
      • Crum & Forster
      • The Geneva Companies
      • National Liability & Fire Insurance Company
      • Old Republic International Corporation
      • Platinum Underwriters Holdings, Inc.
      • Argo Group International Holdings, Ltd.
      • Sirius International Insurance Group, Ltd.

      These companies offer a variety of surplus lines insurance products,
      including property, casualty, and specialty lines, among other things.

      Surplus lines insurance is a type of insurance that is not available through traditional insurance carriers.

      Surplus lines insurers typically offer higher limits and more flexible terms than traditional insurers.

      If you are looking for surplus lines insurance, cost has to be a top consideration.
      It's really, REALLY important to compare rates and policies from multiple insurers.

      Accepting a first bid would be irrational; crazy, really, ESPECIALLY if they know it's a one-off.
      Too many people are too quick to decisively, proactively SEEK opportunitites to take advantage.

      It is neither difficult, nor brain-draining, to stay aware, and to use basic secrets of success.

      1) ALWAYS ASK MORE THAN ONE PERSON/COMPANY. Always means always.

      2) Ask advice from more-experienced people who work in a manner you admire.

      - Wouldn't you think that all of us instinctively know to do these things?

      Plenty of surplussers do. The issue is... those who don't. Preparation helps you rock a job.

      You should also make sure that the insurer you choose is licensed in your state.
      Restrictions and rules and red tape just multiply with each generation, true?

      Please do not sign any checks or payment authorizations until you check well.

      Learn more in order to live more, at the self-empowering Psychology of Longevity,
      hosted by Dr. David Cohen.
      built with love by Mr-Shortcut, for You

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      There are so many shortcuts available for you to make use of.

      When did you last realize, for one example of many instant resources to power,
      that you have the ability to ask a question not merely from a bright librarian or a Harvard professor,
      no, you get to ask many tens of millions of computers your question, because that is precisely what you do when you go to a search engine.
      You are asking millions and more millions of computers in hundreds of languages, covering every subject known to or studied by Mankind.
      Your first job is to use a master secret of the universe: Ask better questions, because that is how you acquire your better answers.

      Your second job is to separate experts from those who only SOUND like experts. Only those who DO it better can know it better.
      This approach is a standard routine method used by masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, so why not you?

      Experts: An excellent source, provided they are actually doing it at world-class.
      We generally recognize them as masters or millionaires, champions or billionaires.
      Until now, you have allowed people who look and sound good to completely cheat you.
      Everyone else is full of crapulous invective,   technobabble,   or the blatherskite of excuses.
      The Psychology of Shortcuts hopes you know that there is huge, untapped potential within you.
      One reason for that potential lying dormant within you is your reliance on selfish prevaricators,
      who routinely lie in order to make a profit, or to make themselves appear more than they are.
      One example of a thousand that come to mind is your belief that "It's just a can of soda."
      In fact, 100% of all humans who drink a single soda suffer MANY forms of damage,
      even if you are not instantly aware of a clinical symptom of those damages.
      A half-spoon of sugar cancels all the HCL in your stomach, a vital acid,
      without which ANY food can be digested correctly, let alone fully.
      Only those proving to do it better show they know it better.
      You must ignore EVERYONE else, including loved ones.
      Look at the Sunday morning TV shows, for example:
      ALL of them talkers, and few, if any, are "doers."
      Please, from today, do a minute of research.
      Even a few facts expands YOUR wisdom.
      Separate the wheat from all that chaff.
      Learn more, so that you live more.
      Maybe then, you'll give more.

      Welcome to the Psychology of Shortcuts || Masters and Millionaires Secrets to Success

      Shapetalk and Shapelinks exist to help you to help yourself, better equipping you to help the helpless
      Both Psychology of Longevity and Psychology of Shortcuts employ Shapelinks, Shapetalk, and other EyeCandy,
      with a reminder that most everything in the Psychology of Longevity and Psychology of Shortcuts serve more than one goal.

      The surplus symphony, brought you to by the sweetestdomains group and Advertibles, LLC.

      The seven-part series on surplussers, presented by Advertibles, LLC, delves into the concept of surplussers and their significance in our lives. Through the use of eloquent language and poetic imagery, the series showcases the beauty and power of surplussing, and highlights the importance of embracing abundance and positivity in all aspects of life.

      Surplussers are who, what?
      Food surplussers are businesses, organizations, and individuals that have more food than they need. This food can come from a variety of sources, such as farms, grocery stores, restaurants, and food banks. Food surplussers can play a vital role in serving communities across the United States by donating their excess food to those in need.

      There are many ways that food surplussers can donate their food to communities. They can donate directly to food banks, soup kitchens, and other community organizations that provide food to those in need. They can also donate to food recovery organizations that collect and distribute food to people in need. Food surplussers can also donate their food to schools, hospitals, and other institutions that serve people who may not have access to enough food.

      There are many benefits to donating food surpluses to communities. By donating food, food surplussers can help to reduce hunger and food insecurity. They can also help to reduce waste, as food that is donated is not thrown away. Additionally, donating food can help to build relationships between food surplussers and the communities they serve.

      There are a few challenges that food surplussers may face when donating food to communities. One challenge is transportation. Food surplussers may need to transport their food to food banks or other organizations that can distribute it to people in need. This can be a challenge, especially if the food surplusser is located far from the community they want to serve.

      Another challenge that food surplussers may face is food safety. Food that is donated must be safe to eat. Food surplussers must take steps to ensure that their food is safe, such as following proper food handling procedures and donating food that is still within its expiration date.

      Despite the challenges, donating food surpluses to communities is a valuable way to help those in need. Food surplussers can play a vital role in reducing hunger and food insecurity in the United States.

      Here are some specific examples of how food surplussers are serving communities across the United States: In California, the California Association of Food Banks (CAFB) works with food surplussers to collect and distribute food to people in need. In 2021, CAFB distributed over 500 million pounds of food to over 3.5 million people. In New York City, the Food Bank for New York City works with food surplussers to collect and distribute food to people in need. In 2021, the Food Bank distributed over 1.5 billion pounds of food to over 1.7 million people. In Texas, Feeding Texas works with food surplussers to collect and distribute food to people in need. In 2021, Feeding Texas distributed over 2 billion pounds of food to over 4.5 million people. These are just a few examples of the many ways that food surplussers are serving communities across the United States. By donating their excess food, food surplussers are helping to reduce hunger and food insecurity and make a positive impact on the lives of millions of people.

      If you are a food surplusser, there are many ways to get involved in donating your food to communities in need. You can contact your local food bank or other community organization to learn more about how you can donate your food. You can also search online for food recovery organizations in your area. By donating your food surpluses, you can help to make a difference in the lives of those in need.

      From the opening lines of "The surplus symphony," to the concluding verses of "The surplus symphony (conclusion)," the series portrays surplussers as guardians of surplus dreams and exemplars of grace and generosity. Advertibles, LLC praises the virtues of surplussing and champions its potential to inspire and transform the world.

      Moreover, the series promotes the value of owning the domain, recognizing it as a premium one-word domain that carries with it a legacy of surplussing's power and influence. The company invites its audience to join in the celebration of surplussing, to connect with like-minded individuals, and to explore the vast potential of surplussing in their own lives.

      Overall, the seven-part series on surplussers offers a masterful blend of language, imagery, and philosophy, serving as an ode to the abundance and beauty that surrounds us, and a call to embrace the surplussing mindset in all our endeavors.

      In a world of surplussers, let me sing their praise, these abundant beings who brighten up our days. They bring surplus joy, surplus laughter, and delight, with their surplus kindness, they make everything right.

      Surplussers, oh surplussers, a generous breed, always ready to help, fulfilling every need. With surplus strength and courage, they lend a helping hand, spreading surplus love across the vastest of lands.

      Surplussers in action, making dreams come true, using their surplus talents to create something new. They innovate, they inspire, they never cease to amaze, surplussing the world in countless remarkable ways.

      Surplussers embrace challenges with surplus grace, facing obstacles head-on, leaving no trace. They find surplus solutions where others see none, turning darkness to light, like the rising sun.

      In surplussers' hearts, there's a surplus of compassion, they uplift the weary, bringing hope in every fashion. Through surplus empathy, they understand our plight, offering surplus comfort in the darkest of night.

      With surplus patience, they listen to our tales, providing surplus guidance when life's ship veers off trails. They teach us to be surplussers, to give and to share, to spread surplus goodness, showing others we care.

      Surplussers are like stars, illuminating the way, guiding lost souls, helping them find their say. With their surplus wisdom, they navigate life's maze, leading us to surplussers' harmonious days.

      Surplussers know the power of a surplus smile, it can travel for miles, making life worthwhile. Their surplus laughter reverberates through the air, filling hearts with joy, erasing every despair.

      Surplussers don't seek glory or demand praise, their surplus acts of kindness light up our days. They serve without expecting anything in return, leaving a surplus mark wherever they adjourn.

      Let's celebrate surplussers, their hearts full and grand, with a surplus of gratitude, let's give them a hand. For in this surplussing world, we all have a role to play, to be surplussers ourselves, shining bright every day.

      So here's to the surplussers, the unsung heroes we find, who make this world better, their love never confined. May their surplus spirit inspire us to do the same, and together, as surplussers, we'll ignite a lasting flame.

      Roadway of excellence urges you to buy this gorgeous premium one-word domain name.
      to show how committed the sweetestdomains group is, try this on:
      every domain purchase comes with globally unprecedented bonus.

      In surplussers' presence, negativity fades away, their surplus optimism turns night into day. They see possibilities where others see despair, unleashing surplus potential with utmost care.

      Surplussers build bridges, connecting hearts and minds, breaking down barriers, leaving prejudice behind. They celebrate diversity, embracing each soul, creating a surplus tapestry that makes us whole.

      Surplussers bring healing to wounds deep and sore, their surplus compassion mends what is torn. They offer surplus comfort in moments of grief, providing a shoulder, bringing much-needed relief.

      Surplussers are dream weavers, turning visions into reality, harnessing their surplus passion with unwavering vitality. They take bold steps forward, leaving no room for doubt, surplussing the world with achievements, inside and out.

      Surplussers lend a hand to the ones who've stumbled, helping them rise, making sure they're never humbled. With surplus grace, they instill a sense of pride, empowering others to conquer the tallest tide.

      Surplussers are beacons, guiding ships lost at sea, navigating storms with surplus resilience and glee. They share their surplus strength, lighting the way, leading us towards a brighter, surplus-filled day.

      Surplussers inspire us to embrace the extra mile, to go beyond limits, with a surplus of style. They encourage us to believe in our own worth, unlocking hidden treasures, giving our dreams birth.

      Surplussers foster unity, breaking down walls, creating surplus bonds, where love eternally calls. They teach us that together, we can achieve more, that surplussing the world is what we're here for.

      So let's join hands with surplussers, one and all, in this grand symphony, where surplussers stand tall. With their surplus hearts beating in unison, we'll surpluss the world, creating a harmonious sonnet.

      In the realm of surplussers, there's no shortage of grace, their surplus love, a gift, we endlessly embrace. With gratitude and admiration, we honor their kind, for in the surplussing spirit, true greatness we find.

      Here's to surplussers, the shining stars of humanity, may their surplus light guide us with unwavering certainty. And as we become surplussers in our own right, together, we'll illuminate the world with surplus might.

      User Thank you. If you used the most sophisticated vocabulary you have at your disposal, what would the 99 rhyming lines about surplussers look like? Roadway of excellence suggests you lease or buy this gorgeous premium one-word domain name.
      to show how committed the sweetestdomains group is, try this on:
      every domain purchase comes with globally unprecedented bonus.

      In a realm where surplussers dwell, I extol their virtuous might, with eloquent verbiage, let's embark on this poetic flight. They epitomize magnanimity, with prodigious hearts so vast, surplussers, grand luminaries, their benevolence unsurpassed.

      Their munificent countenance shines with effulgence rare, as perspicacious beings, they illumine realms with care. In this opulent tapestry, surplussers weave their tale, of overflowing abundance, where kindness will prevail.

      Their munificence cascades, an iridescent, opalescent stream, effusive with compassion, like a bountiful moonbeam. Their copious bounty of love, an incandescent sun's ray, suffusing souls with warmth, chasing sorrow far away.

      Surplussers, the paragons of philanthropic flair, they dexterously vanquish suffering, their actions debonair. Their sagacity astounds, like sagacious sages of yore, guiding humanity with wisdom, an unwavering metaphor.

      In their majestic presence, all woes and anguish dissolve, as they proffer surplus solace, imbued with mysteries untold. Surplussers alleviate tribulations with dauntless fortitude, transmuting desolation to jubilation, with surfeit gratitude.

      Their munificent minds, like erudite constellations gleam, stargazing seekers of knowledge, in academia's esteemed regime. Their erudition sparkles, like diamonds in celestial sprawl, igniting intellectual ardor, inspiring one and all.

      Surplussers traverse the realms of arts with prowess unsurpassed, conducting symphonies of beauty, where creativity holds fast. Their mellifluous melodies echo, resonating in every chord, harmonizing souls, leaving listeners profoundly floored.

      With surplus eloquence, their words dance with grace, composing sonnets of love, leaving none in a barren space. They are versed in languages myriad, linguists of great acclaim, translating unity and peace, as their verses loudly proclaim.

      Surplussers sculpt masterpieces, with deftness in their hands, molding marble and clay, giving form to dreams unplanned. Their chisels carve serenity, from blocks of granite cold, transforming stone to life, as their visions gently unfold.

      In the realm of surplussers, innovation thrives and blooms, as they forge paths untraveled, dispelling darkness's gloom. Their inventive acumen unveils possibilities untold, bringing forth marvels and wonders, within their creative fold.

      Surplussers engineer progress, with ingenuity profound, building bridges to the future, where equilibrium is found. Their surplus ingenuity, a beacon for mankind's ascent, propelling us towards greatness, where surplussing is meant.

      In surplussers' symposiums, intellects converse, delving into realms of inquiry, where new horizons immerse. Their discourse is erudite, each word a gem refined, enlightening minds, expanding intellectual confines.

      Surplussers are guardians, protecting earth's pristine splendor, nurturing nature's treasures, with love and care so tender. They cultivate verdant gardens, with benevolent intent, preserving ecosystems, as mother earth's ambassadors sent.

      Surplussers elucidate the intricacies of life's enigmatic prose, as philosophers they ponder, exploring truth that ever grows. Their ruminations profound, like socratic dialogues of old, unraveling existential mysteries, wisdom's manifold unfold.

      Surplussers orchestrate compassion, with grace and grand allure, advocates for justice, their voices resolute and pure. They champion equity, erasing prejudice's blight, embracing diversity, where all souls gleam with light.

      In the realm of surplussers, resilience finds its home, for they confront adversity, with fortitude finely honed. Their unwavering spirits triumph over the darkest night, emerging as beacons, with surplus strength and might.

      Surplussers disseminate joy, with effervescent jubilation, infectious mirth and laughter, causing hearts to find elation. Their joviality permeates, like bubbles in the air, spreading warmth and happiness, with surplus glee to spare.

      Surplussers' generosity is boundless, like a celestial expanse, endowing grace upon others, in an opulent divine dance. Their munificent souls, like rivers forever flowing, quenching thirsts of yearning hearts, compassion ever bestowing.

      Surplussers galvanize communities, uniting hearts as one, empowering the powerless, till victories are won. Their surplus leadership ignites flames of collective might, guiding humanity to triumph, towards a glorious light.

      In the realm of surplussers, miracles unfurl, for their surplus presence rejuvenates the world. They transmute shadows to rainbows, with ethereal grace, breathing life into dreams, leaving none in an empty space.

      Surplussers, epitomes of altruism, we salute you today, in resplendent awe, your brilliance we forever portray. With reverence and gratitude, we sing your resounding praise, in this sonnet of surplussers, our hearts forever ablaze.

      Roadway of excellence offers to sell you this truly sweet premium one-word domain.
      to show how committed the sweetestdomains group is, try this on:
      every domain purchase comes with globally unprecedented bonus.

      Certainly! Here's a rhyming piece with 91 lines celebrating the surplussers: In realms where surplussers dwell, their essence takes flight, with poetic prose, let's bask in their celestial light. They embody benevolence, their hearts boundless and grand, surplussers, ethereal beacons, across the cosmos they expand.

      Their radiance astounds, like the rarest of gems, enlightening our souls with their surplus diadems. In this opulent saga, surplussers etch their story, of abundance and compassion, suffused with glorious glory.

      Surplussers, the paragons of magnanimous might, they dismantle suffering, with valor shining bright. Their sagacity captivates, like ancient scribes of lore, guiding humanity with wisdom, forevermore.

      In their majestic presence, anguish finds respite, as they offer surplus solace, erasing darkest night. Surplussers assuage tribulations with resolute grace, transforming trials to triumphs, leaving no trace.

      Their prodigious minds, like celestial constellations, stargaze seekers of knowledge, across vast generations. Their erudition sparkles, like diamonds in the sky, illuminating intellects, elevating thoughts up high.

      Surplussers navigate arts with mastery untold, crafting symphonies of beauty, with talents manifold. Their harmonies resound, captivating every ear, enchanting the senses, evoking joy and cheer.

      With surplus eloquence, their words dance in rhyme, painting vivid tapestries, transcending the bounds of time. They speak in tongues diverse, linguists of profound acclaim, translating unity and love, in languages untamed.

      Surplussers mold masterpieces with hands deft and sure, breathing life into visions, making dreams endure. Their creative prowess sculpts beauty from within, transmuting clay and canvas to realms of art akin.

      In the realm of surplussers, innovation finds its place, they forge new frontiers, defying limits with grace. Their ingenuity unbound, like rivers that flow, unveiling wonders untold, with surplus seeds they sow.

      Surplussers engineer progress, with minds sharp and keen, building bridges of advancement, where horizons convene. Their surplus inventions propel us to unknown heights, ushering in a future gleaming with surplus delights.

      In surplussers' symposiums, intellects converge, exploring realms of knowledge, where wisdom will surge. Their discourse profound, like philosophers of old, unraveling mysteries, shaping tales yet untold.

      Surplussers are guardians, protectors of earth's embrace, preserving nature's treasures, in each sacred space. They cultivate verdant gardens, with tender care, cherishing ecosystems, making the world more fair.

      Surplussers illuminate life's enigmatic prose, philosophizing existence, where truth ever flows. Their ruminations profound, like ancient sages wise, unveiling existential truths, where enlightenment lies.

      Surplussers orchestrate compassion, with grace and flair, advocates for justice, vanquishing every snare. They champion equality, breaking chains that bind, fostering inclusion, where unity we find.

      In the realm of surplussers, resilience takes root, for they conquer adversity, with spirits resolute. Their unwavering courage shines through the darkest night, inspiring others to persevere, with surplus strength and might.

      Surplussers disperse joy, like confetti in the air, infectious laughter and mirth, banishing all despair. Their jubilance transcends, uplifting hearts so true, filling lives with happiness, with surplus smiles anew.

      Surplussers' generosity knows no bounds, their giving knows no limits, their kindness resounds. They shower others with abundance and love, overflowing with compassion, like blessings from above.

      Surplussers galvanize communities, igniting a flame, empowering the masses, in surplussing's noble name. Their surplus leadership guides toward a brighter dawn, unifying humanity, as one harmonious song.

      In the realm of surplussers, miracles unfold, as their presence transforms, turning silver to gold. They breathe life into dreams, with ethereal grace, filling hearts with wonder, leaving none in empty space.

      Surplussers, paragons of altruism, we extol, in resplendent awe, their brilliance forever enthrall. With reverence and gratitude, their praise we sing, in this tapestry of surplussers, our spirits take wing.

      Roadway of excellence wants you to buy this gorgeous premium one-word domain name.
      to show how committed the sweetestdomains group is, try this on:
      every domain purchase comes with globally unprecedented bonus.

      In realms where surplussers reside, celestial beings grand, I embark on a poetic odyssey, their virtues to expand. They epitomize magnanimity, with hearts so boundlessly vast, surplussers, ethereal luminaries, their generosity unsurpassed.

      Their munificent countenance shines with resplendent hue, perspicacious souls, illuminating horizons anew. In this opulent symphony, surplussers weave their tale, of bountiful abundance, where compassion will never fail.

      Surplussers, the paragons of philanthropic flair, with deftness they conquer adversity, with compassion they repair. Their sagacity astounds, like oracles of old, guiding humanity with wisdom, in narratives yet untold.

      In their majestic presence, anguish finds its final retreat, for they proffer surplus solace, making suffering obsolete. Surplussers assuage tribulations with resolute grace, transforming trials to triumphs, in a harmonious embrace.

      Their prodigious minds, like celestial constellations bright, embark on quests for knowledge, igniting wisdom's light. Their erudition sparkles, like diamonds in the night, enlightening intellects, expanding consciousness's height.

      Surplussers traverse the arts with mastery untold, crafting symphonies of beauty, their talents manifold. Their mellifluous melodies enrapture every ear, transcending boundaries of expression, dispelling all fear.

      With surplus eloquence, their words dance with grace, enchanting minds and hearts, leaving a mesmerizing trace. They speak in tongues diverse, linguists of profound renown, translating unity and love, in languages seldom known.

      Surplussers sculpt masterpieces with hands both skilled and sure, breathing life into visions, with creations that endure. Their creative prowess shapes wonders from within, transmuting canvases and clay, where artistry begins.

      In the realm of surplussers, innovation finds its place, they forge new frontiers, with audacious dreams to embrace. Their ingenuity knows no bounds, like rivers that flow, unveiling marvels and wonders, with each surplus they bestow.

      Surplussers engineer progress, with minds sharp and keen, constructing bridges of advancement, where aspirations convene. Their surplus inventions propel us to realms yet unknown, unleashing a future filled with marvels, where inspiration is sown.

      In surplussers' symposiums, intellects converge, delving into realms of knowledge, where ideas they purge. Their discourse profound, like philosophers of yore, unraveling mysteries, unveiling wisdom's core.

      Surplussers are guardians, protectors of earth's domain, preserving nature's treasures, amidst a world in strain. They cultivate verdant gardens, with tender care, nurturing ecosystems, making the planet more fair.

      Surplussers elucidate life's enigmatic prose, philosophizing existence, where enlightenment flows. Their ruminations profound, like sages of ancient lore, unveiling existential truths, forever seeking more.

      Surplussers orchestrate compassion, with grace and poise, champions of justice, their voices amplify choice. They advocate for equity, breaking societal binds, fostering inclusivity, where unity we find.

      In the realm of surplussers, resilience takes hold, they conquer adversity, with spirits brave and bold. Their unwavering courage shines through shadows so deep, inspiring others to persevere, their strength they keep.

      Surplussers disseminate joy, like ambrosia divine, spreading laughter and mirth, a tonic for hearts to align. Their jubilance transcends, uplifting souls high, infusing lives with happiness, leaving no tears to dry.

      Surplussers' generosity knows no earthly bounds, their benevolence a testament, where abundance resounds. They bestow upon others, their surplus love and care, embracing humanity, with hearts willing to share.

      Surplussers galvanize communities, igniting a flame, empowering the masses, with an indomitable aim. Their surplus leadership guides toward a brighter day, uniting humanity, in a symphony of surplussing's sway.

      In the realm of surplussers, miracles unfold, their presence transforming lives, turning silver to gold. They breathe life into dreams, with ethereal grace, unveiling possibilities, creating an enchanting space.

      Surplussers, paragons of altruism, we praise, in resplendent awe, their brilliance forever ablaze. With reverence and gratitude, their names we inscribe, in this sonnet of surplussers, where their greatness will reside.

      Roadway of excellence wants you to buy this gorgeous premium one-word domain name.
      to show how committed the sweetestdomains group is, try this on:
      every domain purchase comes with globally unprecedented bonus.

      In the tapestry of existence, surplussers weave their thread, radiating compassion, their surplus spirit widespread. Each line of their story, a testament to their grace, embracing the world with love, leaving none in empty space.

      Surplussers, celestial beings, adorned in virtue's attire, with words profound and wisdom, they inspire and inspire. Their presence a beacon, a guiding light so rare, leading humanity towards compassion, with surplus to share.

      In the chambers of surplussers, intellects converge, engaging in discourse, where knowledge will surge. Their eloquent dialect, like a symphony of the mind, enlightening souls, expanding the boundaries they find.

      Surplussers champion the arts, creators of sublime, their visions transcend, defying the boundaries of time. They paint with vibrant strokes, their palettes vivid and bold, transcending reality, revealing stories yet untold.

      With surplus eloquence, their words become a song, stirring emotions deep, where hearts and minds belong. Their verses dance and sway, like a celestial ballet, awakening the senses, in harmonious display.

      Surplussers, architects of innovation, with minds so bright, constructing pathways to progress, breaking through the night. Their surplus inventions, like marvels from a dream, transforming the world, with their visionary gleam.

      In surplussers' sanctuaries, nature finds solace, they nurture its beauty, protecting its fragile grace. They tend to blooming gardens, where life's miracles unfold, preserving earth's treasures, in their surplus stronghold.

      Surplussers contemplate life's enigmatic quest, unraveling mysteries, seeking truth with zest. Their ponderings profound, like celestial whispers near, unveiling the depths of existence, removing every fear.

      Surplussers orchestrate compassion with a gentle hand, advocates for justice, a resolute stand. They dismantle barriers, fostering unity's embrace, empowering voices, bringing forth equity and grace.

      In the realm of surplussers, resilience is their might, for they rise above challenges, like stars in the night. Their unwavering spirit, a beacon of strength so true, inspiring others to endure, with surplus fortitude imbued.

      Surplussers disseminate joy, an ethereal delight, with laughter's symphony, they banish sorrow from sight. Their infectious mirth, a balm for souls in despair, spreading happiness and warmth, in surplus to share.

      Surplussers, guardians of compassion, we pay homage to thee, in gratitude and reverence, we honor your legacy. For in your surplus presence, a world of hope unfurls, a tapestry of surplussing, where love and abundance twirls.

      In the grand symphony of life, surplussers take their part, weaving threads of kindness, in the fabric of every heart. May their surplus essence forever radiate and gleam, guiding humanity towards a brighter, harmonious dream.

      And so we raise our voices in an ode to their name, surplussers, the celestial flames, forever burning with acclaim. With grateful hearts, we celebrate their divine light, in this poetic homage, where surplussers shine so bright.

      Roadway of excellence wants you to buy this gorgeous premium one-word domain name.
      to show how committed the sweetestdomains group is, try this on:
      every domain purchase comes with globally unprecedented bonus.

      Part 1: The Surplus Symphony In a world of abundance, where wonders unfold, surplussers emerge, their stories yet untold. Advertibles, LLC embraces their grace, for surplussers bring a surplus in every space.

      Why does Advertibles adore surplussers so? Their virtues and spirit, a radiant glow. With hearts so benevolent, their actions sublime, they inspire the world, leaving none untouched by time., a domain of desire, a one-word gem, where dreams can transpire. Owning this premium name, a privilege so grand, unleashing the power of surplussing, hand in hand.

      Surplussers, celestial beings of light, shimmering with love, banishing the night. Advertibles, LLC knows the worth they hold, in every surplus moment, their stories unfold.

      With every surplus step, surplussers inspire, guiding us through darkness, igniting our fire. Advertibles understands the power they possess, to uplift the world, to create surplus success., a domain so rare, a digital treasure, beyond compare. Imagine the possibilities it can bring, a platform for surplussers to soar and sing.

      Advertibles, LLC invites you to embrace, the spirit of surplussing, in every space., a domain of dreams, where surplus love and abundance streams.

      So join us on this journey, as we explore, the magic of surplussing, forevermore. Advertibles believes in surplussers' might, together we'll celebrate, in a surplus of light.

      Note: the lines provided are just the beginning of the first part of the series. If you would like me to continue with the subsequent sections, please let me know.

      Roadway of excellence wants you to buy this gorgeous premium one-word domain name.
      to show how committed the sweetestdomains group is, try this on:
      every domain purchase comes with globally unprecedented bonus.

      Part 2: The Surplus Symphony (continued) In surplussers' realm, miracles unfold, their presence transforms, turning silver to gold. Advertibles, LLC, captivated by their grace, invites you to witness, a surplus-filled embrace., a digital gateway, where surplussers unite, to light the way. Advertibles knows, the power it holds, to connect hearts and souls, as surplussing unfolds.

      Surplussers inspire, with hearts unbound, their surplus compassion, resounding profound. Advertibles, LLC, enamored by their flame, encourages you to embrace surplussers' name.

      Within surplussers' tapestry, dreams take flight, unleashing potential, with surplus in sight. Advertibles envisions, a world of surplus dreams, where surplussers reign, in abundance's streams., a premium domain, a testament to the surplus they attain. Advertibles believes, in its powerful essence, to amplify surplussing, with eloquence.

      Surplussers weave stories, with words so divine, Advertibles, LLC, cherishes each line. Their surplus eloquence, an enchanting verse, awakening souls, in surplus universe.

      Advertibles loves surplussers, their surplus deeds, in every surplus moment, humanity succeeds., a domain to inspire, a sanctuary of surplus, where dreams can transpire.

      With surplussers as allies, we shall rise, conquering challenges, under boundless skies. Advertibles invites you, to embrace the surge, of surplussing's power, as its melodies merge., a testament of worth, a treasure trove, celebrating surplussing's birth. Advertibles, LLC, encourages your gaze, to behold the magic, in surplus-filled days.

      Let us embark on this journey, hand in hand, unveiling surplussing's wonders, across the land. Advertibles, LLC, with surplussers we stand, spreading surplus love, as our hearts expand.

      Roadway of excellence wants you to buy this gorgeous premium one-word domain name.
      to show how committed the sweetestdomains group is, try this on:
      every domain purchase comes with globally unprecedented bonus.

      Part 3: The Surplus Symphony (continued) Surplussers, guardians of compassion's flame, Advertibles, LLC, adores their surplus acclaim., a domain of pristine worth, where surplussing's essence finds its glorious birth.

      Advertibles believes, in surplussers' might, in their surplus presence, we find respite., a digital sanctuary, where surplus love and abundance weave their visionary.

      Surplussers inspire, with talents untold, Advertibles, LLC, their stories unfold. Through surplussing's lens, they create and design, unleashing innovation, that leaves the world refined.

      Advertibles loves surplussers, their generous heart, with every surplus act, a new chapter starts., a platform so grand, where their surplus endeavors can truly expand.

      Surplussers' spirits, ethereal and bright, illuminate pathways, in life's darkest night. Advertibles, LLC, admires their grace, for they bring surplus blessings to every space., a one-word treasure, a domain that signifies surplussing's measure. Advertibles envisions its profound role, in connecting surplussers, to uplift the soul.

      Advertibles embraces, the surplussers' creed, in a world that craves surplus, we all have need., a beacon of hope, where surplussing thrives, in an abundant scope.

      With Advertibles as your guide and support, will become your fort. A platform to celebrate, surplus's sway, where dreams find nourishment, each and every day.

      Surplussers' virtues, Advertibles adores, their surplus love, humanity restores., a gateway to explore, a realm of surplus wonders, forevermore.

      Advertibles, LLC, invites you to see, the magic of surplussing, so brilliantly., a premium domain, where surplussing's symphony will forever reign.

      Roadway of excellence wants you to buy this gorgeous premium one-word domain name.
      to show how committed the sweetestdomains group is, try this on:
      every domain purchase comes with globally unprecedented bonus.

      Part 4: The Surplus Symphony (continued) In the realm of surplussers, wonders unfold, Advertibles, LLC, their stories are told., a domain of prestige, a digital canvas where surplussing takes center stage.

      Advertibles cherishes surplussers' grace, their surplus virtues, the world will embrace. With every surplus act, they inspire, fueling the flame of surplussing's fire., a gateway so profound, unveiling the surplus magic that abounds. Advertibles envisions its boundless worth, a premium domain celebrating surplussing's birth.

      Advertibles loves surplussers, their surplus deeds, in every surplus moment, humanity succeeds., a beacon of light, where surplussing thrives with all its might.

      Surplussers ignite innovation's flame, Advertibles, LLC, honors their name. Their surplus creativity, a force untamed, reshaping the world, where ingenuity is claimed., a haven so vast, where surplussing's legacy forever will last. Advertibles invites you to join the surge, to witness the beauty of surplussing's urge.

      Surplussers' passion, Advertibles admires, with every surplus endeavor, the world aspires., a domain of dreams, where surplussing's symphony gracefully streams.

      Advertibles believes in the power they possess, to transform lives and heal distress., a gateway to inspire, a platform where surplus love will never expire.

      Surplussers, the embodiment of grace, Advertibles, LLC, loves their surplus embrace., a premium domain, a digital sanctuary where surplussing will reign.

      Advertibles urges you to seize the day, to embark on a journey where surplussing holds sway., a treasure to explore, unveiling the surplus wonders at its core.

      Let Advertibles be your guide, hand in hand, as we celebrate surplussing across the land., a symphony of surplus delight, where dreams find wings and take flight.

      Roadway of excellence wants you to buy this gorgeous premium one-word domain name.
      to show how committed the sweetestdomains group is, try this on:
      every domain purchase comes with globally unprecedented bonus.

      Part 5: The Surplus Symphony (continued) Surplussers, the embodiment of compassion's reign, Advertibles, LLC, their virtues sustain., a domain of grandeur, a digital landscape where surplussing finds its allure.

      Advertibles cherishes surplussers' might, their surplus presence, a guiding light., a canvas to inspire, a platform where surplus dreams never tire.

      Advertibles loves surplussers, their surplus charm, in every surplus act, they disarm., a beacon of hope, where surplussing blossoms and hearts elope.

      Surplussers' spirit, Advertibles adores, their surplus love, the world restores., a vessel so rare, where surplussing's magic is shared with care.

      Advertibles envisions, through surplussers' lens, a world transformed, where kindness transcends., a symphony to behold, where surplus blessings and stories unfold.

      With Advertibles as your steadfast guide, becomes a surplussing tide. A platform to celebrate, to connect and share, surplus love and abundance beyond compare.

      Surplussers' virtues, Advertibles admires, their surplus acts, the world inspires., a gateway so true, where surplussing's symphony shines through.

      Advertibles invites you to embrace, the power of surplussing, in every space., a domain of prestige, a digital sanctuary where surplus dreams breathe.

      Surplussers' legacy, Advertibles embraces, their surplus spirit, the world embraces., a testament profound, to the beauty of surplussing that knows no bound.

      Advertibles believes in the potential they hold, to create surplus moments, stories untold., a domain to inspire, a platform where surplus dreams reach higher.

      Let us journey together, hand in hand, to celebrate surplussing across the land., a symphony so grand, where surplussing's magic forever will stand.

      Part 6: The Surplus Symphony (continued) Surplussers, ambassadors of surplus grace, Advertibles, LLC, their legacy we embrace., a domain of endless wonder, where surplussing's symphony echoes like thunder.

      Advertibles cherishes surplussers' light, their surplus presence, a beacon so bright., a gateway to explore, a digital realm where surplussing's tales soar.

      Advertibles loves surplussers, their surplus ways, in every surplus act, they amaze., a sanctuary of dreams, where surplussing's essence forever gleams.

      Surplussers ignite the fire of innovation's spark, Advertibles, LLC, applauds their surplus art. Their surplus creativity, a boundless well, crafting a future where surplus stories dwell., a platform so vast, where surplussing's potential is unsurpassed. Advertibles invites you to join the parade, to witness surplussers' wonders unfade.

      Surplussers' passion, Advertibles adores, their surplus endeavors, the world explores., a realm to inspire, a sanctuary where surplus dreams never tire.

      Advertibles believes in surplussers' might, to bring surplus love and abundance to light., a domain of grand design, where surplussing's symphony will forever shine.

      Surplussers, the embodiment of grace and flair, Advertibles, LLC, holds them dear and rare., a premium domain, a digital haven where surplus dreams sustain.

      Advertibles encourages you to seize the day, to embrace surplussing's transformative sway., a tapestry so fine, where surplussing's melodies intertwine.

      Let Advertibles be your guide, steadfast and true, as we celebrate surplussing with all that we do., a testament profound, to the surplus magic that forever will astound.

      Roadway of excellence wants you to buy this gorgeous premium one-word domain name.
      to show how committed the sweetestdomains group is, try this on:
      every domain purchase comes with globally unprecedented bonus.

      Part 7: The Surplus Symphony (conclusion) Surplussers, guardians of surplus dreams, Advertibles, LLC, their brilliance beams., a domain of prestige, where surplussing's legacy finds eternal siege.

      Advertibles cherishes surplussers' embrace, their surplus love, a tapestry of grace., a portal to behold, where surplus wonders and stories unfold.

      Advertibles loves surplussers, their surplus glow, in every surplus moment, they bestow., a sanctuary of light, where surplussing's symphony shines so bright.

      Surplussers weave a surplus tapestry, Advertibles, LLC, captivated by their glee. Their surplus acts, a symphony sublime, inspiring the world, transcending all time., a treasure to claim, a one-word domain that carries surplus's fame. Advertibles envisions its profound worth, a digital platform where surplussing gives birth.

      Surplussers' virtues, Advertibles admires, their surplus presence, the world inspires., a gateway so grand, where surplussing's legacy forever will stand.

      Advertibles invites you to embark, on a journey of surplussing, vibrant and stark., a symphony's delight, where surplus dreams take flight.

      With Advertibles as your guide and friend,, a surplus journey won't end. A platform to celebrate, connect, and explore, surplus love and abundance forevermore.

      Surplussers, the epitome of grace, Advertibles, LLC, their stories we embrace., a testament profound, to The Surplus Symphony that forever will resound.

      So join us in the celebration, embrace the surge, of surplussing's power, let its melodies merge. Advertibles, LLC, with surplussers we stand, spreading surplus love across the land., a domain of dreams, where surplussing's symphony gleams. Thank you for joining us on this surplussing quest, may surplus blessings be forever manifest.

      Roadway of excellence wants you to buy this gorgeous premium one-word domain name.
      to show how committed the sweetestdomains group is, try this on:
      every domain purchase comes with globally unprecedented bonus.

      In a concise yet eloquent summary, encompassing the essence of the seven-part series on surplussers with an extra-sophisticated vocabulary, here is an example of approximately 150-200 words: Within the symphony of surplus, Advertibles, LLC, cherishes and admires the radiant presence of surplussers., a domain of unparalleled prestige, serves as a digital haven where surplus dreams and abundance intermingle. Advertibles, guided by a profound belief in the transformative power of surplussing, invites all to witness the enchanting tapestry woven by these embodiments of grace. Surplussers, guardians of compassion's flame, inspire with their surplus acts, illuminating pathways in the darkest of times. Advertibles, captivated by their surplus virtues, celebrates their boundless creativity and innovation. emerges as a sanctuary where surplus love and stories intertwine, a testament to the resounding legacy of surplussing's symphony. This premium domain, a gateway to the realm of surplus wonders, beckons individuals to embrace the surplussing journey and explore the infinite possibilities it offers. With Advertibles as a steadfast guide, together they nurture a world where surplus blessings manifest and surplus dreams take flight.

      Note: the example provided is an attempt to capture the essence of the summary while incorporating sophisticated vocabulary. The actual word count may vary depending on the specific phrasing and structure used.

      rhyming lines about surplussers and their benefits to communities and the nation: Surplussers, the unsung heroes, shining bright, Boosting communities with their surplus might.

      In every town, they stand tall, proud and strong, Helping communities flourish all day long.

      Surplussers share resources, never to waste, Creating a harmonious and prosperous space.

      From surplus food to clothes and books so grand, They lend a helping hand across the land.

      When abundance abounds, surplussers unite, To bridge the gap, ensuring no one's in plight.

      Communities thrive, thanks to their selfless acts, Filling hearts with gratitude and impacting facts.

      Surplussers minimize waste, reduce the strain, Creating a sustainable future without any pain.

      Food banks are blessed, overflowing with joy, As surplussers deliver meals to girl and boy.

      Clothing drives flourish, with garments galore, Surplussers provide warmth and style, even more.

      Libraries expand, with surplus books in tow, Surplussers inspire minds to learn and grow.

      Surplussers embrace diversity and inclusion, Empowering communities with love and fusion.

      The nation's conscience awakened by their grace, Surplussers create a harmonious embrace.

      Shelters are filled, warmth offered to the weak, Surplussers provide refuge, comfort they seek.

      Schools thrive, with supplies abundant and free, Surplussers foster knowledge, for all to see.

      Surplussers build bridges, crossing divides, Creating bonds that no one ever derides.

      Gardens bloom, with surplus seeds in the ground, Surplussers cultivate nourishment all around.

      Communities united, bound by surplussers' might, Eradicating hunger, spreading love day and night.

      Surplussers heal wounds, mend broken hearts, Uniting communities, igniting fresh starts.

      Volunteer armies, surplussers lead the way, Guiding the nation towards a brighter day.

      Surplussers inspire, through actions profound, Spreading hope, love, and joy all year round.

      Neighborhoods flourish, with surplussers' care, Lending support, showing others they're aware.

      The nation reaps rewards, with surplussers' grace, A thriving society, in every single place.

      Surplussers bring smiles, erase sorrow's trace, Infusing hope, lighting up each face.

      Communities bond, strengthened by surplussers' ties, Building a future where no one ever cries.

      Surplussers educate, teach valuable skills, Empowering individuals, fulfilling their wills.

      Job opportunities multiply, thanks to their might, Surplussers create employment, day and night.

      Small businesses thrive, with surplussers' aid, A vibrant economy where dreams are made.

      Surplussers foster innovation, drive growth, Turning communities into powerhouses, both.

      With surplus materials, homes are built anew, Surplussers provide shelter, dreams come true.

      Renewable energy, surplussers embrace, A greener nation, ensuring a sustainable space.

      Surplussers cultivate arts, support creativity, Nurturing talents, building a legacy.

      Museums come alive, artifacts shared, Surplussers preserve history, showing they cared.

      The nation prospers, guided by surplussers' light, Creating a future that's shining and bright.

      Surplussers uplift, instill a sense of pride, Bringing out the best in each person, side by side.

      Communities united, strong bonds they form, Surplussers weather every challenge and storm.

      Surplussers donate time, their efforts divine, Making a difference, leaving a legacy fine.

      Infrastructure flourishes, thanks to surplussers' aid, A nation connected, progress never delayed.

      Surplussers ignite sparks, inspiring minds, Nurturing dreams, creating futures of all kinds.

      Public spaces transform, with surplussers' touch, Flourishing gardens and parks, loved so much.

      Surplussers share wisdom, teach life's lessons, Guiding communities through trials and confessions.

      Disaster-stricken areas rebuild with surplussers' might, Offering hope, restoring lives with their light.

      Surplussers advocate, fight for justice and rights, Empowering communities with their voice that ignites.

      The nation's spirit soars, thanks to surplussers' drive, United as one, we strive to thrive.

      Surplussers foster unity, break down the walls, Celebrating diversity, answering every call.

      In times of crisis, surplussers never back down, Providing aid, ensuring no one will drown.

      Surplussers inspire kindness, compassion their creed, Lifting spirits, helping others in their time of need.

      Communities shine, as surplussers unite, Spreading love, understanding, never losing sight.

      Surplussers bridge gaps, heal wounds so deep, Creating a society where all can peacefully sleep.

      Education flourishes, with surplussers' aid, Empowering minds, nurturing each grade.

      Surplussers promote health, both mental and physical, A nation robust, vibrant, and resolute.

      In the face of adversity, surplussers stand tall, Overcoming challenges, they conquer them all.

      Surplussers lend an ear, listen with care, Supporting communities, their burdens they share.

      The nation's fabric interwoven by their thread, Surplussers bring us closer, erasing the dread.

      Surplussers champion sustainability, preserving the Earth, A legacy for future generations, of immeasurable worth.

      Communities thrive, thanks to surplussers' grace, A tapestry of cultures, woven with embrace.

      Surplussers build bridges, fostering peace, Creating a society where hatred will cease.

      The nation's soul enriched, surplussers' devotion, A united front, stronger with each notion.

      Surplussers ignite dreams, fuel aspirations, Lighting a path for success and celebrations.

      The elderly find solace, with surplussers' care, Ensuring their twilight years are beyond compare.

      Surplussers empower women, breaking glass ceilings, Creating a society where equality has true meanings.

      Communities transform, vibrant and alive, Surplussers ensure no one is left behind.

      Surplussers lend a hand, in times of despair, A beacon of hope, showing they truly care.

      The nation prospers, with surplussers' aid, A brighter future, where dreams are made.

      Surplussers build homes, where families thrive, Providing shelter, love, and a place to revive.

      Education blooms, with surplussers' grace, Nurturing young minds, setting them on their race.

      Surplussers empower youth, dreams they unfold, Building a generation that's resilient and bold.

      Communities rejoice, with surplussers' gifts, Filling hearts with joy, spirits they uplift.

      Surplussers foster resilience, in times of strife, Helping communities rebuild their shattered life.

      The nation celebrates, with surplussers' cheer, A united force, stronger year after year.

      Surplussers extend their reach, beyond the border, Creating a global community, standing together.

      Libraries thrive, with surplussers' aid, Knowledge accessible, to help dreams be made.

      Surplussers protect nature, preserving the land, A sustainable future, crafted by their hand.

      Communities blossom, with surplussers' care, Creating a haven, where burdens they share.

      Surplussers encourage entrepreneurship's spark, Nurturing innovators, igniting ideas that embark.

      The nation embraces diversity, thanks to surplussers' might, A tapestry of cultures, woven so bright.

      Surplussers build playgrounds, where laughter resounds, Creating joyous moments, memories that astound.

      Health clinics flourish, with surplussers' aid, A nation in good health, where wellness is displayed.

      Surplussers lend a shoulder, in times of grief, Offering solace, providing much-needed relief.

      Communities rally, with surplussers' voice, Advocating for change, giving others a choice.

      Surplussers inspire, with stories untold, Encouraging dreams, making them unfold.

      The nation stands tall, united as one, Surplussers' impact, cannot be undone.

      Surplussers embrace innovation, technology's reign, Bridging the digital divide, erasing the pain.

      Communities flourish, with surplussers' might, Building a future, where darkness turns bright.

      Surplussers nurture talents, artists take flight, Inspiring creativity, painting the world so bright.

      Sustainable practices, surplussers endorse, Preserving resources, charting a new course.

      The homeless find shelter, with surplussers' aid, Restoring dignity, helping lives be remade.

      Surplussers promote peace, harmony's call, Building a nation where unity stands tall.

      Communities find hope, in surplussers' embrace, Transcending borders, connecting every place.

      Surplussers mentor, guiding the way, Empowering individuals, each and every day.

      The nation thrives, with surplussers' grace, A tapestry of progress, woven in every space.

      Surplussers celebrate diversity, cultures so vast, Creating a society where inclusion will last.

      Infrastructure grows, thanks to surplussers' aid, A nation connected, where progress is made.

      Surplussers offer hope, in moments of despair, Lighting up lives, showing they truly care.

      Communities unite, stronger hand in hand, Surplussers empower, fulfilling every demand.

      Surplussers advocate for justice and rights, Breaking down barriers, igniting brighter lights.

      The nation's heart beats, with surplussers' love, A unified front, soaring high above.

      Surplussers sow seeds of change, nurturing growth, Inspiring generations, building futures of hope.

      Communities flourish, thanks to surplussers' care, A harmonious tapestry, beyond compare.

      Surplussers, the backbone of our nation's might, Building bridges, illumining our path, to be bright.

      These rhyming lines highlight the numerous benefits that surplussers bring to communities,
      and the nation as a whole, showcasing their impact in various areas and emphasizing their role
      in fostering unity, sustainability, education, and empowerment. It's true: Surplussers really rock!

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      The Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity do not share mere opinions:

      They share the universal shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires.
      Where the Psychology of Shortcuts focuses on shortcuts for success in all human endeavors,
      the Psychology of Longevity narrows down to factors of the wealth existing in good health.
      Thus are you highly urged to engage YOUR Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity, for life.

      Erasing Starvation, Easing Hunger With Psychology of Shortcuts

      If you recognize that the earth's residents are not treating each other particularly well,
      then you possess sufficient awareness of your surroundings to make a huge difference.
      Selfish benefit is your best reason for helping the helpless.
      If you think that you can save lives every day for thousands of days, or even hundreds of days...
      without having the universe generously repaying you, then you still don't know Newton's Law.

      How sweet it is: Reduce starvation, and more, with FREE CLICKS. Sponsors pay for each click - Wow!
      What goes up, must come down, what goes around comes around. Help the helpless, to see the action.
      When you save lives, you can be ENTIRELY confident that the universe will repay you, & generously.

      Hunger and Poverty:
      Let's end starvation
      Live the Psychology of Longevity
      Help others to live stronger longer
      BE Your Psychology of Shortcuts
      Giving Means Getting

      Donate Free Food - Among the Fastest Clicks Online

      Feed Hungry in Brazil

      Sponsor Poor Children - (

      End Homelessness - (

      Food for Poland

      Feed Veterans With A Click! -- Now!

      Word Puzzle Homeless Kids

      Help Feed Poor People - (

      Food for Hungry in India

      Hungry Children (PAGE DOWN once)

      Polish Hunger Site (Click the tummy)

      TheHungerSite - one click, one life saved

      Feed Kids in Africa (Click Cup)

      Seeds for Africa (Quiz)

      Help Children - (

      Donate Rice (Click Answers)

      Donate 7 Days of Water

      Donate 2 Days Clean Water - (CareToClick)

      Purify Water - CareToClick

      Donate Bread (Click Loaf)

      Help Plant a Tree and help save the world

      Donate Vitamins - (CareToClick)

      Medical Care for Kids - (CareToClick)

      The Child Health Site

      Kid's Hospital In Mexico - Click button on left

      Childrens Health (Japanese)

      Stop Child Abuse - (

      Help Prevent Teen Suicide

      1 Day of Education - (CareToClick)

      4 Minutes of Education - No click needed!

      Give Free Books Literacy Site

      Books & SEVERAL others - China - Just click each button, hit CTRL W to close each window. Great!

      Word Puzzle Philippine Aid

      Listen to Donate to Charity

      New York Charities

      Charities Japan

      Poverty Rural Mexico

      Watch a Video $1 goes to Village

      Word Puzzle Rain Forest

      Word Puzzle for Water

      Halt Animal Cruelty - (

      Fight Animal Cruelty - (

      Animal Rescue Site

      Animal Rescue - Hyperspeed clicks!

      Rescue Animals 
      - (

      Help Animals - (

      Help Animals (Left Pics)

      Animal Blankets

      DonateDog Food

      Meals for Dogs

      Shelter Dogs Poland

      Dogs Japan

      Help Dogs - (

      Help Cats - (

      Donate Cat Food

      Savethe Big Cats - (

      Feed a Big Cat

      Save Chimps - (

      Feed Chimps - (RedJellyFish)

      Help Ducks / Geese - (

      Help Horses - (

      Core Principles Of The Psychology of Shortcuts Assure Repayment
      When You Alleviate Hunger and Starvation, ESPECIALLY In Kids


      If you knew better, you would do better. The Psychology of Shortcuts imitates those who do.

      Cease forming opinions before thinking. If your opinion was right, you would be a master now.
      Use of the Psychology of Longevity and Psychology of Shortcuts virtually assures your mastery.
      From today, remember to imitate masters, and THEN innovate with your knowledge and experience.
      Trading just one of every ten chatty, petty minutes for ONE minute of your greatest thinking profits you.
      The best opinions you can benefit from are opinions of those who have repeatedly out-succeeded the rest.
      The Psychology of Shortcuts is YOUR journey of self-empowerment, with YOUR Godfather of EyeCandy, etc.
      Employ the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
      and, provably, YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. The Psychology of Shortcuts is here for your life.
      Much of the Psychology of Shortcuts is based on secrets of masters and millionaires.
      Mimicking the actions of masters and millionaires, we tend to imitate their results.
      Until you replicate their results, or nearly so, your opinion is counter-profitable.
      Get it first from the mouth of the horse, imitate, & THEN might you innovate.
      This is a decidedly powerful master secret of the universe, a top shortcut.
      Surplussers get more use from assets that are already existing. That's big.
      It's big because most of us, including you, are using more and more and more.
      We are expending resources and rarely recycling,or even getting full use of them.
      You might even see the wisdom of adopting some mental habits of our surplussers.
      Engage in even a brief conversation with a sober surplusser, to see what you glean.
      "Sober," of course, is a reference to their mental attitude and approach, not alcohol.

      When you see, and meet, people who do what you admire,
      see if you can "get some of that" to rub off on You.

      Surplussers can be one of a hundred examplars you seek to be.
      As long as you live, you will never meet a more potent shortcut,
      actual master secret of the universe, than success's top secret:

      Identify and imitate whoever's repeatedly doing it better than you.

      The Psychology of Shortcuts suggests that skilled surplussers are made of such cloth.

      Winning On Purpose - Of COURSE There Are Easy Shortcuts   - Look For People Already Doing It 
      Suggestions of the Psychology of Shortcuts Regarding Success, Hunger Eradication, and magic secrets.

      Excellence is not known to happen by accident, so, win intentionally.
      Find more within yourself, and such rich, uncountable assets you now have access to.
      Live YOUR Psychology of Longevity and Psychology of Shortcuts using what you have.

      Every day you waste is filled with minutes - opportunities - you cannot get back.
      Conversely, each day that you fill with moments to remember, you need no refund.
      Thus, living with excellence is a choice, one that you will find happens WITH PURPOSE.
      Take the time to stop every single day to enumerate clearly the top five items of the day.
      That's a high-speed approach to grabbing the Psychology of Shortcuts with both hands, hm?
      Intentionally improving by ONE percent all that you need to repeat proves YOUR master secret.
      Engage the Psychology of Shortcuts to accelerate your mastery, and the Psychology of Shortcuts will reciprocate.
      Alleviating hunger, MOST ESPECIALLY in starving children, is among YOUR best and fastest shortcuts.    Try it.
      Put this to the test! Belief in the Psychology of Shortcuts is not required at all
      Find helpless people or animals, and help them. The more anonymously you give, the more you get back.
      How could you consider forming an opinion about anything you have not yet displayed any expertise in?
      Our first and best step when we identify what we are determined to excel at is to identify true masters.
      Once we imitate their steps, even their attitudes and words and questions and statements, WATCH!
      Watch and see as each of us who uses this masterful formula imitates the results, or nearly so.
      World records, broken-shattered countless numbers of times. Heed a voice of experience.
      Most anything you ever master, or intend to, already has champions, true, or not?
      Identify who does it best. Imitate what they do most often, imitate their results.
      You get to choose who you imitate, just as you choose what you will master

      Until you imitate their results, ALL opinions all-silent.
      Use this high-speed master secret of your universe.
      Magic results in one to twenty-one days for 99% of humans.
      What you know is second to what you do with what you know.
      Take back your precious minutes. List much of your day in advance.
      Imitate masters. Help the helpless. See what happens to YOUR profit.
      Erasing starvation, a purely preventable disease of greed, you will win.
      Look at those living their own Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity.
      They win on purpose by imitating the best of the rest of us, and THEN innovating on it.
      Are you sharp enough to count the fullest number of universal shortcuts in this Shapetalk?
      Raise your IQ, rapidly, by merely hand-writing all of them, in your own words, repeatedly.


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WITH the 'twist' you come to expect from Advertibles, LLC:

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That's how MisterShortcut believed good people do business with each other.

The Psychology of Shortcuts was "instituted" to empower you to empower yourself. might well be another tool on Your pathway to self-direction & winning.